Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2288: Qiu Jianwei

No one would have imagined that there was flames that could rush out of the giant cauldron.

The flame was like a tornado, and like a volcanic eruption, it suddenly rushed out towards the sky, and then dived, bringing up a strange arc, and like a poisonous snake hunting its prey, it swept towards Qiu Jianwei.


Those who did not act rashly, and were only looking at ten meters away, were suddenly shocked.

Across the distance, they all felt the flames, and it was rushing towards their faces.

That kind of feeling, it was as if flames were about to envelope oneself, burning to ashes.

Those people retreated quickly on the spot, for fear of affecting themselves.

"Brother Qiu!"

Several disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion yelled, but Qiu Jianwei was a true disciple, his eyes drenched, his sleeves waved, countless sword auras rushed over on the spot, forming a sword cover in front of him.


When the flame encountered his sword cover, it was directly crushed, but the powerful impact directly hindered Qiu Jianwei's tendency to jump further, forcing him to fall on the ground, staring coldly at it. Mouth giant tripod.

At this moment, the crowd suddenly burst into an uproar, and suddenly there was a layer of light flashing on the surface of this giant cauldron, revealing the complicated lines on it.

The whole mouthful of the giant cauldron gives people a radiant feeling, that kind of brand-new, as if it contains a feeling of immortality, attracting everyone.

This scene also fell in the eyes of Xiao Yu not far away.

"Good trip!"

Xiao Yu's heart moved slightly. Although he didn't know anything about spirit treasures, in the final analysis, his long-term use of the Seven-Star Sword made his sense of weapons different from ordinary people.

And there is another point, that is, the flames leaping out of the three cauldrons just now gave Xiao Yu a familiar feeling.

"This flame is completely different from the sect world refiner, and even the flame used for alchemy!"

Xiao Yu thought in his heart.

When he was in Hundred Medicine Valley and even in the Han family of Qi Lingzhuang, he had experienced the kind of alchemy and the flame of the refining device, but compared with the aura in the furnace, it was simply a sky and an underground.

"However, that kind of flame smell... seems to be quite different from Burning Fire."

What Xiao Yu didn't know was that burning fires were extremely terrifying burning fires in the Nine Heavens World. How could it be compared to the beast fires and plant fires in the lower planes?

And you must know that in the higher planes, Burning Fire will make even more powerful alchemists crazy.

And this kind of flame, which is extremely rare between heaven and earth, can be described as rare, not everyone can have.

The furnace that Xiao Yu encountered was actually the furnace that made alchemy in the higher planes. It had only withstood the impact of countless flames, so the flames of flame remained inside.

After being hit by the flames in the cauldron once, Qiu Jianwei and the others were afraid to move forward.

You know, the dignified second disciple of the true biography of Xuanjian Pavilion! It was also forced to retreat. One can imagine how powerful this giant tripod is.

Therefore, no one dares to move forward easily.

As for the young children who were confident and ambitious just now, they all showed signs of retreat.

But they are not reconciled to leave like this, but they don't seem to want to be such a birdie.

But in any case, Qiu Jianwei's hand just now really made many people feel a kind of surprise. There is this kind of sword aura in the casual sleeves, which is really a true genius and extraordinary.

But at this moment, a figure walked towards the giant cauldron.


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