Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2291: Carry the Tripod (Part 1)

"It's been a long time since I was so excited!" Xiao Yu let out a long whistle, seemingly a little happy.

They are not Xiao Yu, so there is no such deep emotion of Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu himself was extremely important to the power of his physical body, and no one could resist moving this cauldron for thousands of years. How could he not be excited?

He didn't know what he was going to resist, all he knew was that he would go all out.

Moreover, at the moment his back was attached just now, he could already sense the deep weight!

What kind of giant cauldron is this, it is a weight that is more terrifying than a hill!

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, staring at the furnace tripod with his back, and holding his hands in the same way.


Xiao Yu yelled, both heads used force, "Boom!" The soles of his feet sank into the ground on the spot, and the ripples of his punch were swept out on the spot, raising a cloud of dust.


Those who were already a hundred meters away felt the breath of power radiating from the ripples just now, and they were suddenly dumbfounded.

"This Nima... is too scary? Is that a pure body?"

Some powerful cultivators specialize in physical training, and even when they don't have to stimulate the physical training exercises, their physical bodies are much stronger than ordinary people.

And just now, Xiao Yu hadn't urged the aura of any cultivation technique at all, but that kind of physical power exploded, and the aura of the space that was shaking made them feel chilly.

Except for Xuanjian Pavilion's, the most powerful ones are only the cultivation base of the human spirit realm.

But the kind of spatial shock just now was enough to crush them.

Qiu Jianwei's eyes shrank, and the eyes of the other Xuanjian Pavilion disciples also showed an increasingly cold gesture.

Among them, Qiu Jianwei was the second disciple of the true biography, and then there was another disciple who was the number one disciple of the inner sect, which was only the second level of good fortune.

But even this disciple of Xuanjian Pavilion, the number one inner sect, still felt the pressure that Xiao Yu had just transmitted.

This allows them to confirm the kind of thought in their hearts.

Returning to Xiao Yu's body, the kind of power he had just now was naturally pure physical power, not mixed with other powers of the exercises.

Of course he didn't think that this was the only way to resist this giant ding. What he did was more of a temptation, and now he has a temptation.

"It seems that I underestimated the tripod."

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and then, his eyes suddenly glowed with a strange red color.

A strong energy and blood permeated his body.

The **** breath, like smoke, filled Xiao Yu's body, as if burning.

"Power of Qi and Blood!"

This so-called power of qi and blood is the physical power aura contained in the bones and flesh and blood, which urges out the power of qi and blood, which is already much stronger than the physical power alone.

Xiao Yu urged his physical strength to further strengthen, and then he shouted, trying to straighten his legs.


Even though Xiao Yu exerted his physical strength like this, he only felt that he had sunk into the ground of one foot, and it seemed that he was about to crack once again.


Sure enough, this time, the ground that had already sunk was once again stepped on by Xiao Yu a full three inches deep.

And the giant tripod is still motionless!

I don't know why, although the onlookers were nervous, they seemed to hope that Xiao Yu could resist the furnace cauldron, but seeing that the furnace cauldron had not been shaken at all, they felt relaxed again.

It seemed that they were happy to see Xiao Yu doing useless work.

After all, no matter how they say it, they can't get it themselves, and don't want Xiao Yu to get it.

"Huh, it's futile."

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