Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2295: Colorful kill array

Seeing a few people killed, Xiao Yu's soul power suddenly jumped out, and a large area of ​​blue light flashed out, showing a color like a glow.

This is Mu Yi Qianblade, and a sword cover like a light cocoon was formed in front of Xiao Yu, surrounding Xiao Yu.

"Defensive formation!"

The power of the soul was originally an invisible look, but Xiao Yu's formation was fused with the forest attribute secret realm in it, so there would be a kind of blue light in it.

Moreover, for Xiao Yu, the small formation of Mu Yi Qianbian is already at the level of the sixth-level formation. Once he makes a move, he can easily kill the first or second layers of the good fortune realm. The only point is The difficult thing was that Xiao Yu's hands and feet were now restrained, and it was simply impossible for him to fully exert his strength.

But in any case, to deal with these seven people, the strongest is only Lu Qiang, who is the double good fortune realm, and there is no difficulty at all.

"Keng Keng Keng!"

The seven-handle swordsmanship fell within the defensive sword shield formed by Xiao Yu on the spot, but all of them were unable to enter, and soon they were blocked outside.

"Use colorful to kill the array!"

Seeing this, Qiu Jianwei in the distance immediately shouted coldly.

Xiao Yu's formation technique is also well-known in the sect world, and the disturbances in the Purple Spirit Sect that day were nothing more than the movements of their Xuanjian Pavilion.

But this did not actually affect their killing intent on Xiao Yu.

From their point of view, the vehicle of the physical body has been restricted. Could Xiao Yu still be able to reach the sky?

But they seem to be wrong, or that they are not familiar with soul cultivators at all.

One thing to know is that although the soul is based on the body, no matter what, the two are not completely intimately connected.

It is like a powerful soul cultivator. If injured, it will only affect their ability to move, and will not have much impact on the use of their soul power.

As long as their soul is not injured, then the power of the soul is still the power of the original soul.

Especially Xiao Yu, even more so.

How powerful Xiao Yu's body was, there was nothing to shake him, in the sect world.

The seven men swung their swords at the same time, and the swords in their hands immediately filled with a color.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, in seven colors, very strange and beautiful.

"Is this the kind of colorful sword formation in Xuanjian Pavilion that claims to be able to trap the caster of the strongest sword formation by two levels higher?"

Some sword repairmen in the distance, seeing this scene, suddenly exclaimed.

"It should be right. Of these seven people, the strongest one should be Lu Qiang, the number one in the profound sword pavilion's inner gate, right? He has heard that his cultivation seems to be the second level of good fortune realm, so that means, this sword Array, can kill the four layers of good fortune realm?"

Qiu Jianwei stared at this scene coldly with a sneer.

In his opinion, Xiao Yu may have the fourth level of good fortune realm, or even the fifth level of cultivation, but now Xiao Yu's physical body is bound!

Even if the soul realm reaches the Heavenly Master Formation Master, it is possible to resist their sword formation unless it reaches the level of Yang Mingtao's soul realm. Otherwise, under this situation, Xiao Yu absolutely has no chance.

"Colorful, kill!"

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