Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2318: Escape from a forbidden place

Xiao Yu at the front immediately stopped and looked back at the human-shaped stone statue.

"What's wrong?" Zhan Xiaoyu asked, looking back at the same time, but when she looked back, it seemed that there was nothing like a human statue. She was still standing here quietly, holding a huge long sword in her hand. Plug it on the ground.

Xiao Yu groaned for a while. Just now he seemed to find this human-shaped stone statue, as if there was something unusual. His heart and soul told him that he must not be wrong.

But looking back, everything is so quiet, everything is so gloomy.

Xiao Yu shook his head and said, "Let's go."

The three of them felt very heavy, and they looked like they didn't want to stay home.

That is, the feeling that Xiao Yu felt was really not just him alone, but all three of them experienced it at the same time.

Going out of this space taboo still needs Zhan Xiaoyu to use the space formation to maintain it.

Perhaps Zhan Xiaoyu's previous soul consumption has not been fully recovered, and the previous mind seems to be controlled, becoming very dazed, and now it is necessary to use the power of the soul to open this space taboo. When he persists to half, Zhan Xiaoyu couldn't hold on anymore, but Xiao Yu soon took it over.

Xiao Yu did not have as much comprehension of the power of the law of space as Zhan Xiaoyu, but he also knew some ways to spur the space formation, and soon a translucent door was opened.

Su Qingrou couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yu more, but still didn't change her face.

Zhan Xiaoyu went into a coma, and Xiao Yu came out holding Zhan Xiaoyu.

It was still midnight outside, Xiao Yu hugged Zhan Xiaoyu, and Su Qingrou found a place to recover.

Under a huge boulder, a bonfire rose up. Zhan Xiaoyu would squint. Xiao Yu and Su Qingrou were silent, seeming to be thinking.

The shock given to Xiao Yu by the incident just now was really too great.

Xiao Yu now thinks about it carefully, everything is so weird, everything is so dreamy, as it is, is it true or not?

Xiao Yu didn't know. He knew only that which space taboo place was really weird.

There must be a battlefield there. It seems like a big battle has gone through, but the strange thing is that all the stone statues appeared.

The most weird thing is the complete humanoid stone statue, which can attract Zhan Xiaoyu to go, and make Zhan Xiaoyu completely unaware of his own.

Then there was that blood-stained battlefield in the sky. It seemed dreamy, but it was almost immersive. This made Xiao Yu feel, could it be the predecessor of that space taboo?

After all, he had also heard from Rhubarb that there are many ruins in the world of nine days, and these ruins possess some kind of weird power that can affect people's minds.

Leaving aside the remains of the battlefield, when Zhan Xiaoyu pinched his neck, then the branches of the sky tree rushed out frantically, and actively invaded Zhan Xiaoyu’s soul mind, and then everyone seemed back to reality. This was something Xiao Yu had never thought of.

Is it Zhuang Zhou's Meng Die or Die Meng Zhuang Zhou?

This is unknown.

Because it's like a formation method, acting on the soul, it seems illusory, but in fact the feeling is real.

Therefore, Xiao Yu even himself was puzzled.

Another thing that made Xiao Yu contemplate all the time was the low voice from Zhan Xiaoyu's mouth.

"He seems to be saying, impossible? And it was when Tianmu's branch reached Xiaoyu's mind that he showed such a reaction. Could it be that this has something to do with the Tianmu God Array?"

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