Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2346: Let's do it together

Jiang Tianyu's butt, thought of something, but he quickly denied it.

Impossible, it's impossible!

Even Zhao Xin was silent, not knowing what she was thinking.

The thinking of the two is that if this is really the case, aren't they all wrong?

Just now Shi Dongrui and the others thought that Xiao Yu would not go this far, but at this moment, all of their faces changed slightly.

"How could this be?"

According to what they thought, the oppression increased, so wouldn't Xiao Yu be stronger than them?

You know, they can't reach two hundred meters before the oppression is strengthened!

They are not stupid at all, they seem to have thought of something, and their faces are a little moved.

Still no oppression!

Xiao Yu on the white avenue, thinking of this, finally showed a stunned expression. He has finally determined that there is really no oppression here!

How is this possible?

But anyway, Xiao Yu just couldn't feel that kind of oppression!

He finally confirmed, this is not an illusion, this is really no oppression!

Xiao Yu suddenly felt a kind of surprise, a kind of excitement.

Without oppression, it means you can move forward with all your strength!

Xiao Yu also quickened his pace, and immediately walked towards the top.

Two hundred meters, two hundred and ten, two hundred and twenty...

In an instant, Jiang Tianyu and Zhao Xin both reacted at the same time.


The two of them exploded at the same time, and they immediately moved towards Xiao Yu's direction.


Shi Dongrui was the first to react over there and rushed out in the blink of an eye. Zeng Yuncong, Yang Mingtao, and Su Qingrou also followed almost the next instant.

They finally reacted. It was not an increase in pressure, it was not the pressure of the previous aura!

Zhao Xin and Jiang Tianyu both started at the same time, with a terrifying aura, and immediately pounced on it. Xiao Yu's eyes were dazzling. The speed of these two geniuses was indeed not as fast as they were at a distance of more than two hundred meters. It's just a moment of time.

Xiao Yu snorted coldly, bursting out of his own power and rushing towards the top.

For him, there must be some chance at the top, after all, there is a hazy place, and it is the last place of good fortune.

Since it is the land of good fortune, the first to arrive is almost the first to get the chance.

It is true that these so-called opportunities are still unknown, but it is better than nothing at all.

"Don't think about it!"

Jiang Tianyu gave a cold cry, and when he flipped his hand, a spear appeared.

Jin Cancan's spear immediately burst out with golden light, and Jiang Tianyu immediately threw it towards Xiao Yu.

A lightning strike seemed to be able to penetrate Xiao Yu in an instant.

And this only happens in the time between two or three seconds.

At this moment, everyone finally reacted. "I see, there is no oppression here?"

Someone exclaimed, it's no wonder that a few big geniuses will make such a move, it turns out that there is no oppression!

Without oppression, it means that whoever reaches the apex first has the greatest chance of getting the chance!

At the same time, they were also shocked by the reaction speed of several great geniuses.

They knew in their hearts that the next moment, it must be the existence of dragons and tigers!

But a young man in the crowd smiled with great interest, hehe smiled and said: "Interesting, let's see how you fight!"

Back on the battlefield, Xiao Yu's face became cold, Jiang Tianyu, this is going to kill!

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