Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2360: Break the six-level formation

Standing on the rock built by rocks, Yang Mingtao felt stunned.

The Hundred Tomb Sword Formation, it was in the sixth-level formation, and it was still a very terrifying existence in the mountain attribute secret realm. He asked himself that even if Jiang Tianyu faced them, it could have a certain impact on them.

But now, facing Xiao Yu, he actually felt a sense of powerlessness.

The feeling of an egg hitting a rock made his heart seem to be hit hard, and the blood in his body seemed to freeze at this moment.


Back on the battlefield, the Heavenly Hammer Tablet shattered all of Yang Mingtao's dignity and self-confidence, and also shattered his hundred tomb sword formation.

At that moment, the environment of the mountain graveyard changed at this moment, and Xiao Yu returned to reality again.

After Yang Mingtao's illusion killing formation was broken, in an instant, an extremely strong energy rushed towards the surrounding with a sweeping gesture.

Looking at Xiao Yu again, he was still flapping his wings in the air, his face was not flushed or panting.

Looking at Yang Mingtao again, his face was extremely pale, and even the stone platform he stood on the rock was crumbling, as if he was about to fall.


The group of people below was in an uproar.

Although they were not in the formation just now, they felt that kind of breath rushing toward their faces, and seeing the expressions of Xiao Yu and Yang Mingtao, they knew what was going on.

Yang Mingtao lost!

The world's first array genius in the sect, unexpectedly lost!

"Yang Mingtao must have used the sixth-level formation, maybe it's the formation at the bottom of the box. Look now, it seems to be broken!"

The formation is such a wonderful thing, if you want to use it on one person, others will not see it.

Since they couldn't see the scene of Xiao Yu facing the formation, it proved that Yang Mingtao had isolated them.

It was this feeling that allowed Yang Mingtao to kill Xiao Yu with all his energy.

But now, these onlookers were all dumbfounded, and Xiao Yu was intact!

"Yang Mingtao, you have only this level of formation after three years of training?" Xiao Yu glanced at Yang Mingtao.

Yang Mingtao's face sank, his heart trembled and his back was cold.

Yes, the three-year formation was destroyed by Xiao Yu in one blow!

When Jiang Tianyu heard Xiao Yu's words behind him, his expressions were different and showed a gloomy look.

Even if it goes without saying, they can guess that Yang Mingtao lost, so thoroughly and thoroughly.

Like Shi Dongrui and the others, their expressions are even more murderous.

Even if they face Yang Mingtao, they may not be able to achieve such a level!

However, Xiao Yu seemed to lift heavy weights with ease, which was simply beyond their expectations.

Although Yang Mingtao was not reconciled in his heart, he was not stupid at all.

He couldn't even win Xiao Yu, so how could he promise a genius like Jiang Tianyu and Zhao Xin?

And now the white reach has been shattered by him, but so what? In front of this enchanting and perverted guy, he actually had a feeling of escape.

But he is not reconciled!

But what can you do if you are unwilling?

"Xiao Yu!! You really surprised me! But if you can defeat me, do you think you can defeat the people behind you?" Yang Mingtao seemed to want to provoke a discord.

Who knows, Xiao Yu didn't change his face and said, "If you still want to use this trick to sow discord, then please put your saliva away. And..."

Xiao Yu's face was cold, and he said, "I have always had a principle. If others respect me, I will respect others and see what they do!"

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