Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2376: Black golden gun

Jiang Tianyu flipped his hand, and the black and gold light continued to condense in his hand, and then condensed, and finally turned into a black and gold spear.

The spear has a very heavy feeling, the sonorous golden color, it seems a kind of noble feeling.

After Jiang Tianyu shook his hand like this, with his majestic body, he felt a sense of extraordinary power.

Feeling the aura of the rich **** pattern exuding, Xiao Yu thoughtfully, the rank of this kind of **** pattern has actually reached the level of the second-tier rank!

The third rank of the prefecture level is one level higher than Lin Yao's!

You should know that among the lower planes, those who can reach the level of the land **** pattern are already extremely rare. Lin Yao's talent is Yi Bin, and the wood flesh **** pattern is naturally counted as one.

To some extent, Lin Yao can also be regarded as an alternative life spirit.

The only difference is that the life spirit body pays more attention to its own "life", while the wood flesh **** pattern is more of a healing power.

So, what a surprise to be able to appear a third-rank Divine Mark at the Earth level.

Jiang Tianyu was holding my black and gold spear, and he was astonishing and even more energetic.

He raised his head and his face was full of energy.

"Xiao Yu, this is my third-rank Divine Mark, Black Golden Lin Spear. I am not afraid to tell you that it has been five years since I activated the Divine Mark last time, but that person is already dead." Jiang Tianyu Said coldly.

Xiao Yu didn't care about his rank, name, or story. He just put away the Seven Star Sword and said, "Very well, since you have used the **** pattern, then I don't need weapons anymore."

Jiang Tianyu's face was cold again, and the murderous intent was revealed on his entire face.

It is a weapon that can increase a person's combat effectiveness, but Xiao Yu has put it away, and he has cultivated the strongest power!

Xiao Yu did this, didn't he ignore him in disguise?

Those people underground were also shocked by Xiao Yu's actions.

"This kid doesn't need a good sword. Does he still want to borrow the power of the weapon **** pattern with his bare hands?"

"This is too big, isn't it? I heard that the physical power is great, but people use a spear!"

Their minds felt a kind of incredible.

The so-called one inch long and one inch strong, of course, the power of the long spear can not be easily dissipated. It is extremely difficult to borrow it with bare hands, even if it has the magical powers to reach the sky.

But how did Jiang Tianyu and them know that the reason why Xiao Yu did this was because Xiao Yu's fighting intent at this time had also risen.

It was the first time I met such a high-ranking **** pattern, and he was still such a talented person, how could Xiao Yu let go of such a good opportunity to fight?

What no one knew was that Xiao Yu's unarmed combat ability was also extremely powerful.

Jiang Tianyu was shocked and angry. What was shocked was his trump card, and his **** pattern did not gain enough respect. Angrily, Xiao Yu still looked down upon himself as always, how long can he bear it?

Jiang Tianyu's face was cold, he stopped talking nonsense, holding a black and gold spear and killed him again.

Peng's aura of fear, when Jiang Tianyu rushed over, enveloped like a black cloud over the city.

His Sixth Level of Good Fortune Realm cultivation was condensed to the extreme, and that murderous posture seemed to annihilate Xiao Yu.

Feeling the heavy and powerful momentum in mid-air, all the people present dare not take a breath.

This is genius! This is the strong one!

"Jin Lin Cai Wu!"

Accompanied by a violent shout that seemed to come from the sky, Jiang Tianyu unleashed his strongest offensive with the third-level **** pattern of the land grade.


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