Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2433: Qi Fu's arrival

"I see." Qin Yuxuan waved his hand and said calmly.

Gan Ning took a deep breath, not knowing what to say.

When Cui Yuan chose to join Qi Fu and the others, he was actually very shocked.

But at that time he still didn't tell Qin Yuxuan about the incident, because if he told Qin Yuxuan, then the matter would be a lot of trouble and very stiff.

But originally, he was also praying in his heart that Cui Yuan would not die so soon.

In other words, he had a little hope in his heart that he would be able to let him go when the Black Cliff Sect arrived.

But his such a fluke, in exchange, was naturally disillusioned, and Cui Yuan was killed.

"Sect Master, actually..." Gan Ning hesitated, seemingly afraid to speak.

"Well, I know, you are next to Senior Brother Cui. You know best about him. People are dead. I won't blame you." Qin Yuxuan said lightly.

Over the years, if it wasn't for Gan Ning to run for him, how could Clear Sky Sect rise so fast?

Gan Ning was still worried, and said, "The only thing I'm afraid of right now is them. Since Elder Cui has been drawn in, but has been killed, plus all the things before, I think their next goal..."

Having said that, he looked at Qin Yuxuan.

Although he didn't finish his words, what he knew, Qin Yuxuan knew that the goal he was talking about was actually Qin Yuxuan.

As the number one powerhouse in the sect world, how could Qi Fu and others let it go?

Moreover, Qi Fu and the others have always wanted to use the power of the Clear Sky School as a bridge between the inside and outside of the Black Cliff Sect. In fact, Gan Ning and Qin Yuxuan knew this.

However, Qin Yuxuan's pride as the world's number one powerhouse in the sect is not allowed to be pointed at by others, at least he is unwilling to be driven by Qi Fu and others on his head.

Because of this, Qin Yuxuan has always turned a blind eye to Qi Fu and the others.

Qin Yuxuan still calmly said indifferently, "If they are targeting me, can they still bind me and threaten me?"

"You can't threaten you, but if you know that you will die soon, will that become a condition for you to cooperate with us?"

At this moment, an inexplicable voice sounded from a distance. Gan Ning's expression changed when he heard the voice, just because the voice was so familiar and so familiar!

Qi Fu!

A dark shadow stepped in from the distance of the door, so blatantly, so quietly.

When Qin Yuxuan saw this person, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but suddenly disappeared.

"Qin Yuxuan, long time no see." When Qi Fu appeared, he was staring at Qin Yuxuan.

Gan Ning's face was very pale, this Qi Fu was really bold, and he came to their Haotian Sect by himself!

"Qi Fu, how did you come?" Gan Ning asked in surprise.

"Hehe, how did I come? The sect of your Haotian Sect is not like the sect now. Everyone is suspicion of each other, each carrying a ghost. It is like a mess. I want to come in, who can find me?

Qi Fu still smiled indifferently, and immediately looked at Qin Yuxuan, and said with interest: "Qin Yuxuan, we haven't seen each other for many years. It's really not easy to see you."

"You want to see me, you can see me all the time, you just came to this point now." Qin Yuxuan's heart was clear, and he said.

"Hahaha! You deserve to be a genius like Wenzhan. I don't know what I just said, what do you think?" Qi Fu looked at Qin Yuxuan, his eyes twinkling.

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