Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2440: The Hope of Xuanjian Pavilion (Part 2)

The first point, Xuanjian Pavilion's greatest support and pride is to make their sword monument mountain.

The appearance and existence of Jianbei Mountain has attracted countless talented students of sword repair to join. This is the most fundamental natural resource for the growth of Xuanjian Pavilion.

now what? Jianbei Mountain has been destroyed, and the three heavenly swords are also gone. What resources do they have enough to attract other talented children to come?

From this point of view, even given hundreds of years, it is even more impossible for them to recover to their peak.

The second point is that this time the replacement meeting, because of the Wujian meeting, they were directly closed and not held, but the plane guards did not intend to speak out.

They thought that the guardians of the plane were partial to them, at least to maintain the stability of the Zongmen world as a whole, and they didn't want to have major casualties.

But they were a little simpler.

Just as Xidong said, the guardian of the plane is actually the guardian of the Thirty-Six Little Heavens, who manages the guards leading to the higher planes, and does not participate in this kind of grievance struggle.

It's just that the world of the sect was greatly shaken thousands of years ago, and the mighty ones sealed the space cracks and drove away these demons, and then the guardians of the plane didn't want to have such large casualties because of their mercy , Only agreed that Chen Nan and the others supervised the world of the sect, so they would be regarded as the guardian of the plane, in fact, the guard of the world of the sect.

Actually not.

All the starting goals of the Plane Guardians are not just for a certain lower plane, they are for a whole thirty-six small world.

In that case, if the army of the Black Cliff Sect does appear, then how should they do it?

Seeing that they stopped talking immediately, Xidong struck the iron while it was hot, and continued: "One more thing, do you really depend on space cracks for everything? I can tell you that as long as the time comes, the space cracks are just useless. Don't tell you. I haven’t found any instability in the space plane recently. I can tell you clearly that your instincts are correct. In half a year, our army will trample on this place. Here, the battlefield of a thousand years ago will reappear!"

"What are you talking about!?" Yuan Shoubai and the others shrank, a little unbelievable, and even felt a kind of panic.

Compared to Qin Yuxuan's pride, Xuanjian Pavilion was actually more afraid.

In the current situation of their sect, there is simply not enough power to resist external interference.

"What do you want to say!"

Rong Luohao's eyes were cold, and finally he said in a deep voice.

"What do I want to say? Didn't I tell you at the beginning?" Xidong glanced at them.

After listening to Yuan Shoubai and others, their faces were very ugly and also became very heavy.

Xidong, the remnant of the demon cultivator, dared to step on their Xuanjian Pavilion alone, and said so much, the purpose is already very obvious, that is, they want them Xuanjian Pavilion to betray the sect world!

If they are not betrayed, then what awaits them may be a **** massacre!

But in this matter, how can you just take refuge in the first place?

They are the sect of a thousand years! They are proud!

If you take refuge in them, you have betrayed the ancestral training!

I think back then, the seven sects united to fight against the army of Black Cliff Sect demon repairers. Now that they are in their hands, is it because they want them to be traitors?

"Don't waste your tongue! We won't go into trouble with you! And your plan will definitely not succeed!" a righteous elder said righteously.

"Really? You and I show you something, how?"

Xidong flipped his hand, his seal changed, his sword pointed to the void...

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