Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2459: Thousands of grievances

Among the invisible fluctuations ahead, it was shockingly transmitted from the space, and there was exactly the point of the second world space where Xiao Yu was located.


Invisible fluctuations spread out, and then, a figure appeared out of thin air, not Xiao Yu or who it was.

As soon as Xiao Yu appeared, there was an invisible fluctuation in his body, and the whole person's temperament became very extraordinary.

That kind of feeling, as if just emerging from the boundless deep sea, from the vast stars, makes people feel a deep, even psychedelic feeling.

The spiritual power of the world around Xiao Yu was shaking slightly, cheering and beating.

Feeling the fluctuation of Xiao Yu's body, Qiongqi's eyes lit up and said, "Boy, have you reached it?"

Xiao Yu nodded slightly, and felt a comfortable feeling all over his body. These three months of retreat have benefited him a lot, and he also felt that the kind of change in himself made him feel that he had reached a certain level. Kind of relaxed state.

"It turns out that it's this kind of feeling to reach this state." Xiao Yu moved his hands and feet and couldn't help but exclaim.

Yes, in the words of the lower level realm, Xiao Yu has already reached the ninth level of good fortune realm!

And to reach the Ninth Level of Good Fortune Realm, as long as you break through this barrier, then you can break through the constraints of the laws and powers of the lower planes.

In other words, Xiao Yu's Dao Yun state had already reached the third level.


Perhaps it was because of the joy just now. After this step was reached, the chance of going to higher planes would be even greater.

But when Xiao Yu looked up at the sky, he found that some blood was floating in the gloomy sky. The pressure of that strange aura made him feel a **** storm.

This was the East China Sea, and there was still a long distance from the inside of the Zongmen World, but Xiao Yu had already smelled the spirit of cultivation.

"Are they here?" Xiao Yu's face sank slightly. This feeling made him very familiar and uncomfortable.

Qiongqi also looked up and said, "Yes, Kailai has already begun."

Xiao Yu asked, "How long have you been here?"

"It's been several days, but there is not much fighting atmosphere these days."

Xiao Yu sneered in his heart. Of course, there was no fighting aura anymore. All the grass on the wall chose to stand aside.

This weak sect world has long lost its former hardiness and its former glory.

To be honest, Xiao Yu had lost confidence in this dimension early on.

Things must rot first and then the insects will grow. If there is no problem with oneself, how could it be easily invaded by other sect forces?

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu sneered even more.

If it wasn't because he had friends and some seniors were here, how could Xiao Yu do his best to maintain the stability of this plane world?

Those villains who wanted to kill him, as well as those who wanted to frame him and put him to death, are now all standing on the side of the enemy. How could Xiao Yu not be angry?

"If I guess right, there are only two sects who have not taken refuge in them."

Those two sects were naturally the Xiaoyao Sect and the Huanyue Sect that Xiao Yu had always worried about.

"I will come back as soon as I go. It's time to resolve the grievances of thousands of years."

Xiao Yu raised his head and looked at the sky. In his eyes, inches of cold light and fine light flashed. The next moment, his wings shook and he flew away as a shadow.


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