Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2515: Chopping the weeds and roots (Part 1)

When Qiu Xing gave birth to this thought, he felt that his back seemed to be completely numb. The thought of death, as if from the looking down of a god, enveloped him, strangling his neck, and even He put a layer of shackles on his feet, making him completely immobile.

When he looked up, he really saw a pair of weird eyes looking down at him with a sullen attitude.

What kind of look is that?

Even with that look, you will feel that your blood is suppressed, and you will feel humble as if you have been an ant.

He didn't know why he had such thoughts. All he knew was that those eyes, like a devil who devours people from hell, stare at them, and all beings can't escape.


At this moment, he gave birth to the thought of running away for the first time in history.

He didn't know why he had this thought. All he knew was that if he didn't run away, his life would really be here.

As for Young Master, Qi Fu and Qi Fu were next to Qiu Xing. Qiu Xing had this kind of consciousness. How could they not have this kind of consciousness?

Those are the eyes of the killing god!

Yes, the three of them all felt a sense of splitting their livers and souls, and they were ready to escape immediately.


Qiu Xing roared, and he reached out to the void to give a grip. A space crack and the void burst open, and the three of them were ready to head towards the space crack.

The other side of the space rift is naturally Black Cliff World.

Except for Xiao Yu and the strength of the Black Crow, Qiu Xing is indeed very strong, powerful enough to even tear space and spur the power of the Black Cliff World to fight.

Therefore, when Qiu Xing was about to tear the space and escape for the first time, Wen Zhan and others had not yet reacted.

But Xiao Yu in the sky had already reacted, and a sound like a **** descending filled the entire sky.

Xiao Yu's voice was indifferent, decisive and ruthless.


That kind of sound that didn't fluctuate, even completely unfamiliar, made Zhao Xin and all of them wake up. Is this Xiao Yu?

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yu volleyed into the air and rushed towards the past. At the same time, his body turned into a blood-black figure, speeding to the extreme.

I would not have imagined that Xiao Yu would actually be so close that the blood-black figure was almost like a ghost.

Qi Fu walked the slowest over there, and the cloud and death enveloped him, making him feel this kind of death for the first time in his life.

"Do not!"

Before he had time to scream, an invisible aura of fear of death was suppressed on him.


Qi Fu immediately turned into a pot of meat sauce.

This scene was only between lightning, but it was also this scene that made everyone awake at this moment.

The power displayed under Xiao Yu's killing realm thought completely made people feel a kind of fear of death.

Even Zhao Xin, Wen Zhan and others who were familiar with Xiao Yu were still shocked by Xiao Yu's state.

Is this Xiao Yu? How could this be……

On the other side, in the courtyard of Xiaoyaomen, Rhubarb watched this scene, sighing infinitely in his heart——

"Maybe, this is your catastrophe! Whether you can survive it, it's entirely up to you."

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