Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2528: Become the baby's overlord

Xiao Yu frowned slightly. When he came last time, he disappeared like this, and entered the abyss.

At that time, he guessed that maybe the little girl had set it before 2 before the amnesia. As long as Xiao Yu approached again, he could automatically approach inside.

But this time, it was obvious that that kind of power was no longer there. This made Xiao Yu think of something, maybe Ruo Qingxi had already turned into void dust!

Of course, this situation is relatively small, and only half a year has passed since the distance here. According to the guess at the time, it would not be so fast.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and the branches of Tianmu stretched out and penetrated into the coffin.

In the same way, since it is a barrier, it is naturally related to the branches of the sky tree. Xiao Yu has to penetrate into the barriers of a small amount. For him now, there is no difficulty.

Plus, don't forget that Xiao Yu still has a little understanding of the power of the law of space.

Moreover, after being taught by the senior on Yunpeng Island, Xiao Yu also had a deeper understanding of the power of the law of space.

His mind urged, and then, Wen Zhan and the three of them seemed to be wrapped in something, and then the three of them disappeared on the spot.

Still under the abyss, when Wen Zhan's down-to-earth feeling came, they were stunned on the ground.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a magical place in this fragmented space that the Modern Sovereign found thousands of years ago!" Han Yi exclaimed.

Jiang Yuan said solemnly: "The secret of this assessment space is only known to the suzerain of the past dynasties. If the suzerain was lured here by Nan Ouhong and then imprisoned, this is also reasonable."

When Xiao Yu told them about this, they were still shocked at first.

But when they thought that the assessment world was discovered by Chen Nan, and that having such a secret place has always been controlled by the Sect Master, they were not surprised.

Wen Zhan's eyes were staring at the shadowy place in front of him. He hurriedly walked forward. When Xiao Yu came in, he had actually noticed it.

Jiang Yuan and Han Yi didn't ask anything, and hurriedly followed.

When the three of them walked to a stone platform, they suddenly found that there was a baby lying in front of the stone platform. The baby was dressed in wide clothes.

The life force is slowly disappearing from the baby of so.

"Sure enough, someone!!" Han Yi exclaimed.

Wen Zhan, his eyes flashed with an incomparably bright vibration, his eyes were filled with anticipation, excitement, complexity, and even sadness.

"Qingxi...It's really you..." Wen Zhan muttered to himself, with some old tears in his eyes unconsciously.

Yes, this is the little junior girl he thinks about day and night, the woman he has been guarding and loving all his life.

Jiang Yuan and Han Yi took a closer look, their faces shaking.

They also recognized that although the baby was asleep, the outline and the faint aura on his body were their suzerain!

"Really the Sect Master! Really the Sect Master!" Jiang Yuan was shocked and incredulous.

And soon, the three of them replaced them with a kind of anger.

"Nan Ouhong!!!" Wen Zhan's eyes glowed with a monstrous anger.

Everything is because of Nanouhong! If it weren't for Nan Ouhong, Ruo Qingxi wouldn't be what it is now!

"Fortunately, in time, we will take it back first."

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