Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2531: The one who breaks the shackles

Xiao Yu saw that in Nan Ouhong's body, there was a little bit of light in the bloodline, like a star, in all the bloodlines up and down his body, and then trained into a star chain.

This kind of star chain is extremely peculiar, making Nan Ouhong's body look like the outline of a human body formed by blood.

This is enough to make Xiao Yu feel magical.

And his own spirit body actually affected his bones and bloodlines, making Xiao Yu completely remodel it from within.

This distinguishes it from Linggen.

Linggen is more of a kind of talent that exists deep in the blood, and it affects cultivation.

The spirit body also fundamentally transforms a person, but it affects more of the overall physique.

Both are one of the most magical things in the Nine Heavens World. It can be said that the people who have these lifelines are all lucky and are favored by God, just like the **** pattern.

Xiao Yu urged the branches of the sky tree to cultivate the spiritual roots in Nan Ouhong's body, and then urged his mind to pull the spiritual roots out of Nan Ouhong's body.

When Wen Zhan and the others were waiting, they suddenly saw that a skeleton-like bloodline formed by a chain of starlight floated out of Nan Ouhong's body. An extremely pure atmosphere of heaven and earth permeated, making people seem to be flooded. The same in the purest heaven and earth spiritual power.

"This is the spiritual root?"

The three of them held their breath, completely stunned.

They can clearly sense that the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth, for this spiritual root, is simply weak.

That kind of spirituality, the degree of aura, is simply worse than Linggen by many levels.

"No wonder some people say that people with spiritual roots absorb heaven and earth spiritual power several times, ten times as much!"

The three were amazed.

Even if they knew that Ruo Qingxi had spiritual roots in her body, if they hadn't really seen this kind of existence, they wouldn't fully believe it.

This is Ruo Qingxi's ability to protect Yi Shuyun when she is a teenager, and it is also the most fundamental wish for Ruo Qingxi to become the suzerain at a young age.

Linggen! What a chance this is unattainable.

Moreover, in the sect world for so many years, no one really can obtain spiritual root.

Wen Zhan sighed and said, "Master said at the beginning that Junior Sister may be the only genius who can break through to the nine levels of good fortune in the past thousand years. I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Having a **** pattern, although it is said that he was blessed by the heavens, but the **** pattern is relatively normal compared to the spiritual root.

But the spiritual roots are different. The spiritual roots directly affect a person's cultivation talent and understanding of the Tao.

People of lower planes have spent their entire lives working hard to break through the shackles of the good fortune realm. What affects them most is naturally talent and chance.

If Qingxi possesses spiritual roots, talents, and inheritance from the Xiaoyao Sect Sect Master, all this indicates that she can go to a higher plane.

It's just that destiny likes to tease people so much, destiny always likes people to deviate in another direction toward the established goal.

Some plans will be affected by many factors and everything will be interrupted. These are the difficulties and obstacles that the road of cultivation has given countless people.

Only those who truly possess great courage and fearless spirit can break through these things, not be bound by the shackles of fate, and not be besieged by these shackles.

At this point, their eyes fell on the concentrated Xiao Yu.

Yes, Ruo Qingxi may not go to the higher plane according to the set goal, but there is a person in front of them, who has broken through these thousand years of shackles. This person is surprisingly Xiao Yu.

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