Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2543: Say goodbye to everything

As soon as Xiao Yu stood up, he saw Zhao Xin's appearance, and he suddenly smiled.

"Don't you want me?"

If you make a joke once, the same joke will appear even more ridiculous and ridiculous the second time, but who knows, Zhao Xin has plucked up the courage and whispered: "Yes."


Xiao Yu's face showed a strange look. He did not expect that Zhao Xin was really reluctant to bear herself!

Does this Zhao Xin really like herself?

Xiao Yu's face was embarrassed and she didn't know what to say, but Zhao Xin still took a step forward, her beautiful eyes glowing, staring at Xiao Yu and said, "Will we meet again?"

Xiao Yu regained a sense of integrity, thought for a while, but shook his head, and said, "Maybe it can, maybe it's impossible. In the future, I don't know what the situation will be. If we are destined, I believe that we can See you, take care."

Xiao Yu turned into a light figure and left immediately.

Looking at the shadow of the shadow road leaving, and don't know why, Zhao Xin's heart is very complicated and very reluctant.

The only thing she can be sure of is that the figure of the boy is already firmly imprinted in her mind.

Then, Zhao Xin's eyes revealed the firmness he had never had before, and said, "Xiao Yu, we will definitely meet. At that time, you will know me again and face me again!"

Zhao Xin knew very well in her heart that although Xiao Yu tried his best to be very ordinary and approachable, Xiao Yu was still too strong. This kind of gun is in the bones and invisible, and it is impossible to conceal it. .

Xiao Yu didn't want to put Zhao Xin under pressure, but Zhao Xin knew it well. The more Xiao Yu did this, the more Zhao Xin felt the contrast and pressure, which was also able to arouse her strong fighting spirit.

The moonlight is like water, and Zhao Xin's shadow is still so moving. The only difference is that under the moonlight, her figure seems to have become more psychedelic.


After bidding farewell to Zhao Xin, Xiao Yu was basically relieved.

Rhubarb left, met Xiao Wencheng for the last time, and chatted with his old friends all night, Xiao Yu can now start his practice before going to higher planes without any scruples.

Yes, it is not bad. Xiao Yu is going to a higher plane. Now he is not enough to have the three levels of Taoism. He not only has to break through to the four levels of Taoism, but also to the five levels of Taoism!

Even if he can go to a higher plane now, it is still not enough, he needs to continue to have more power.

Therefore, Xiao Yu returned to Yunpeng Island.

Yunpeng Island has been closed after getting the chance last time.

A piece of aura is oppressed, if a person from the 9th level of the good fortune realm stepped on it, it would be crushed into pieces in an instant.

But Xiao Yu was different. His physical body had already broken through the so-called nine levels of good fortune. His current physical body was the critical point between the lower and higher planes.

As long as he breaks through to the fourth level of Dao Yun, his physical body will be the real physical body of a higher plane.

Xiao Yu returned to Qiongqi's place.

Qiongqi looked at Xiao Yu with a lingering fear when he saw Xiao Yu.

He saw the battle in his eyes, and he was also scared at the time. If Xiao Yu died, how terrible it would be! The entire thirty-six small worlds will be destroyed, even if Yunpeng Island avoids being harmed, then it will be impossible for him to find a monster like Xiao Yu.

Facts have proved that his choice is right.

Of course, Qiongqi was also very frightened about the power of the Shura family's killing realm. This was one of the most terrifying powers in the world!

If this guy really loses his sanity, wouldn't even people from higher planes break into here?

At that time, it will be a war in the world of Nine Heavens!

"Are you going to prepare?"

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