Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2554: Five Great Shrines

Having said that, Xiao Yu was already a little excited.

Go to the higher planes! This is what I dream of, and I am about to set foot on another dimension!

In any case, this is a thing worth celebrating.

Although the way forward is unknown, at least he is not standing still, at least there are things he wants to do in his heart. These are the driving forces for Xiao Yu to improve his strength.

But who knows, the boss said: "It's no problem to go to higher planes, but before going, I think you should go to a place first."


"The five great temples."

Xiao Yu's heart moved, the five great temples, he certainly remembered that Tang Linger told himself before leaving.

This sentence has always been in Xiao Yu's heart, making Xiao Yu dare not slacken the slightest.

He also asked where the five great temples of Rhubarb were. Rhubarb said that it was a very mysterious place. It was a golden place for thousands of young people to cultivate and upgrade themselves.

The five great temples are the birthplaces of countless strong men, and are the holy places for the cultivation of the younger generation in the higher planes.

"I was thinking at the beginning, as long as you go to the higher planes, you can go to the five great temples, and this is just right," Xiao Yu said.

He thought that the five major temples were like seven sects, and they needed to pass the examination before going in.

So his first impression was to go to the higher planes first, and then to find the addresses of the five great temples.

After all, the road to cultivation is very long. If you can go to the five major temples to rebuild, it will definitely be good.

That is equivalent to a holy place that has undergone a kind of baptism, so that you have a better foundation, so that you can prepare for a better breakthrough to a higher level.

Of course, Xiao Yu knew very little about the five great temples, but regarded it as a power similar to the sect.

The second child denied it himself: "Boy, what you think is too simple. The five major temples do not mean that you can enter if you want."

The third son said: "Yes. The five major temples are not like your sects. Just go in. The five major temples are known as the temples, and they are holy places for cultivating gods in the billions of rivers."


Xiao Yu suddenly took a breath. The so-called **** is the strongest existence in the legend that controls the world.

In the past, Xiao Yu had only heard of the Mighty, but it was the first time he had heard of "God".

"How does this **** compare to a powerful person?" Xiao Yu asked.

The youngest said indifferently: "Mighty people are just powerful people who have the ability to reach the heavens and the earth. You can understand them as the strongest in the nine-day world. But God, that has already broken through the shackles of the nine-day world, and has already risen to Nine days of existence outside the world."

The eyes of the third and second child were full of fascination.

God has always been a legend. The world only enshrines the mighty one as the strongest existence, and has been working towards this goal.

But the so-called gods are no longer the existence of the world, they are legends outside the world.

Therefore, it can be said that the concept of God is very unfamiliar to the world.

"Is there really a **** in the world?" Xiao Yu gasped.

In his view, not to mention the powerful, the strong who can reach a certain level, the life is endless and ruthless, it can be said that they are immortal.

And what kind of existence is this god?

"Of course there are, the five great temples were founded by the five great gods of the nine-day world in the long river for hundreds of millions of years."

"Five gods!"

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