Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2568: Xiao Yu and Yan Jiayu

Xiao Yu's heart was suddenly angry, and he kept tolerating it, but it didn't mean that he had no temper. He also had his own bottom line.

It was obvious that Yan Jiayu wanted to kill people and overtake others. How could Xiao Yu be as she wished?

Moreover, as soon as his Seven-Star Sword appeared, it meant that it was impossible to return to the original state.

After all, you have to know that the Seven Star Sword itself is not a common grade, and that you have such a treasure of heaven and earth with the cultivation of the three chakras, which will naturally attract the coveting of many people.

Xiao Yu is well versed in the principle of innocence and guilt, and the best way to meet a woman like Yan Jiayu is to kill.

He is not a cruel person, but there is no way. He must kill and decisive when encountering a cruel woman. Otherwise, according to Yan Jiayu, if this person is put back, he must have a lot of trouble.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu didn't hesitate even more. His figure jumped, and his whole body rushed over like a cheetah. In an instant, the Seven Star Sword immediately cut out a cloud-like nebula halo, and then suddenly moved towards Yan Jiayu fell over.

What I have to say is that the moves of the Seven-Star Sword of the Meteor Star Mask, after coming to the higher plane, not only the range, but also the attack power is also reduced by the law of the higher plane.

" is it possible? Profound level swordsmanship!?"

Yan Jiayu was stunned. This little handyman not only had a powerful spirit treasure, but also his sword skills were so extraordinary.

You know, this kind of mysterious "spirituality", even a student of the lower house, is not easy to possess!

Who is this handyman! Yan Jiayu was very shocked, but there was no other way. The family had already culled and she could only resist.

"Boy, you really don't cry without seeing the coffin! Not to mention, I will solve you today! Yuan Yingshou!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yan Jiayu's jade hand seemed to come from the abyss of a secluded pond. A red palm came out on the spot, and it was directly grabbed at the Seven-Star Sword in Xiao Yu's hand.

"Fast speed!"

Xiao Yu's Seven-Star Sword is powerful, but it cannot be denied that the opponent's strength is two levels stronger than him, and the use of this trick is almost to the extreme, and it suddenly grabs Xiao Yu's wrist.

The red palm grabbed it, and Xiao Yu felt that the bones on his wrist were about to break, and the blood had penetrated.

"What a nasty move!"

This woman's moves are fatal, and this kind of moves is obviously not a good thing.

"Huh! Boy, although I don't have profound level spirituality, I am stronger than you. Even if it is yellow level spirituality, you can't hide it! Give me a break!"

As soon as she pressed her red palm, Xiao Yu suffered a pain for a while, feeling that her wrist was about to be abolished.

His five fingers suddenly came loose, and the Seven Star Sword fell downward. Yan Jiayu was overjoyed when he saw this, but Xiao Yu's eyes fell cold and he said solemnly, "Die, bastard!"

Yan Jiayu didn't care about so much. He stretched out his hand to grab the Seven-Star Sword, but the Seven-Star Sword suddenly shone brightly, and a Ruowu shadow leaped out like the tail of a meteor.


Yan Jiayu screamed, her hand was **** on the spot, and the shocking wound made her painful.

She is injured!

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