Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2570: Kill Yan Jiayu

No one knows how narrow the secrets of these 15 Li Mangs are.

At the same time, at the most, only one person can pass by in the gap.

And you must know that because these gaps were all pounced over together, Xiao Yu faced a problem, that is, even if there is a real chance that Xiao Yu will pass through the gaps, these spiritual arts are controlled by Yan Jiayu. !

"call out!"

Sure enough, Xiao Yu really passed through one of the gaps, and these fifteen sharp lights to the second level were blown over.

"court death!"

Yan Jiayu shouted violently, her slender jade palm was suddenly a move. The fifteen sharp lights that flicked behind Xiao Yu turned a big bay in the air, and once again killed Xiao Yu.

What I have to say is that Yan Jiayu's control of this kind of spirituality is simply perfect.

And the speed was too fast. Even if Xiao Yu had the help of the heart and soul just now, he could pass through one of the gaps by chance, but this time, it was impossible to avoid it.

It's just because the fifteen Li Mangs came over at an intersecting angle.

This woman is as careful as water!

Xiao Yu's heart trembled. What he didn't expect was that he would face this kind of life and death battle without coming here for a month. This was a great irony.

Since I debuted, I don’t know how many battles I have experienced, but why have I been so embarrassed as I am now?

At this moment, Xiao Yu's thoughts moved, and the power of the surging soul was transmitted out quickly, and immediately after that, Xiao Yu turned out to be motionless!

With such a sneer in Yan Jiayu's eyes, this kid must think that he can't escape, so he just came to surrender now, right? Unfortunately, it is too late.

Just when she had this idea, the look in her eyes suddenly changed in the next moment.

"how come……"

Fifteen Li Mang Qiqi passed through Xiao Yu's body, but there was no sound of flesh and blood penetrating, it was as if the breeze was blowing through the air, and the person was completely unharmed.

But the next moment, something that surprised her happened, and she saw that figure, suddenly the whole person turned into a kind of cyan, the profound level turned into countless fragments.

"This... Formation!?"

The next moment, Yan Jiayu was stunned, and even when she reacted, she felt completely incredible.

That is the strength of the soul is good, that is the formation is good, but she has never seen such a weak soul power and formation!


The momentary thoughts in her mind of these knowledge, when she reacted, she suddenly found that her back suddenly exploded.

She didn't have time to turn around, just abruptly moved a little to the side, but it was still too late.


A long sword directly pierced her heart, and the long sword directly penetrated the past, and Yan Jiayu's eyes suddenly dimmed.


The long sword was drawn over, and Yan Jiayu also took two steps forward, turning around, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Boy, will regret it, they won't let you go..."

After Yan Jiayu finished speaking, she fell down, and then a figure slowly appeared, and it was Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu looked at the corpse on the ground with cold eyes, and said, "Since I dare to kill you, then I won't regret it."

Immediately after killing this person, there was a sound of footsteps on the mountain. Without a word, Xiao Yu raised Yan Jiayu's body and flickered away.


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