Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2577: It's that handyman!

Neither of them could solve this secret at the time, because this kind of blueprint needed to absorb a huge amount of spiritual power to be able to stimulate it.

It took them a full half a year to put almost all their spiritual energy into it, only to arouse such a little trace.

And the results at the time, let them know that as long as they continue, they will definitely get the content on the drawings, or the looming traces of the route.

But at that time, when the teacher of the library was sorting out the books, he found that something was missing, and then he notified the people in the Xingtang to look for the person who entered the library that day.

Chen Yongsi knew that this incident would have to happen sooner or later, so he had to find a woman as a cover, and then gave some benefits of practice, spiritual skills, and hid the drawings on Yan Jiayu's body.

Tan Bin naturally didn't know this at the time, but now, he fully understands it.

"When you enter the library, you will be registered, and the books you have read will be branded as long as the people in the Xingtang check it. It turns out that Brother Si hid the drawings on Sister Yu's body early in the morning!" Tan Bin suddenly realized.

"Huh! Outsiders say I love this woman, but she is nothing more than a tool for me to hide drawings. But now that she is dead, someone must have taken her space ring."

Tan Bin suddenly realized: "Yes! The space ring is a special space material forging, and it is impossible to burn it. If someone is going to die, then the space ring will definitely be taken away!"

"Did you meet anyone on the road?" Chen Yongsi asked.

Tan Bin thought for a while, and suddenly he thought of someone and said, "That handyman!"


"It's the kid from the lower plane. We had searched for dozens of miles around at the time. Only this kid went up the mountain."

The more he thought about it, the stranger Tan Bin felt, and he said to himself: "But this kid was very calm at the time, and he didn't look like a murderer at all."

"Does killing someone tell you you killed someone?"

"Then what to do? Although this kid came from a lower level, he was brought in by Feng Master Chu himself." Tan Bin asked with some fear.

Chu Dongmen was the master of the first peak. Although his strength was weak, he was the peak master of Cangling Academy. It was absolutely impossible to underestimate it.

As students in the lower house, they naturally cannot offend.

Obviously, Chen Yongsi was also a little jealous, his eyes flickered slightly, and said: "You go find someone first, and try that kid."

"it is good!"


The past few days have been in peace, Xiao Yu still has his rough and tiring work.

When he went down the mountain, Xiao Yu went back to Tan Quan to recover, washing his own bones and flesh.

In the evening, he will practice the technique of sati, absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth, to open his fourth chakra.

In addition, Xiao Yu had swallowed eight strains of spiritual barley before, which gave Xiao Yu more confidence in opening the fourth chakra.

Until the fifth day, Xiao Yu vaguely discovered that his fourth chakra seemed to be opening!

? This surprised him.

You know, in one month, Xiao Yu tried to open the fourth chakra, and now, there is only a little more than half a month before the big exam. It takes at least five chakras to pass the exam. Xiao Yu naturally cannot be missed.

The state of eagerness became more and more intense, Xiao Yu speeded up to do the work at hand, and was about to go down the mountain, when the unpleasant familiar voice was remembered again.

"Boy, where are you going so soon? Is it a guilty conscience and fear?"

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