Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2601: Three swallows

Xiao Yu felt that his internal organs were still shaking. Of course, it was only because the energy absorbed and transformed just now caused him to suffer a shock, but he didn't actually suffer much damage.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart: "This dragon clan's vomiting technique is so terrible?"

"This is necessary. What kind of physique is that? To put it this way, the flesh of the dragon race is standing on the top of the nine-day world, and it can be counted against their flesh. The technique of vomiting is in itself Heaven and Earth's spiritual power forges its own body, and there is no certain strength and foundation to rest the dragon and swallow gas. The worst result is that the body is broken. You are considered good."

After Xiao Yu heard what Qiongqi had said, he felt a lingering feeling in his heart.

If it's not because of a good foundation, I'm afraid that my body has become a paste just now.

"This silly boy, if it were an ordinary human body, I wouldn't teach him Long Tunqi." Qiong Qi secretly shook his head in his heart.

For ordinary people, without sufficient foundation and physical strength, they will only kill themselves.

In that case, Qiongqi would naturally not have a body to live in. In that case, wouldn't it be his own destruction?

"What to do then?" Xiao Yu asked.

For the first time, this has already happened. Although I have had the experience for the first time, what about the second time, the third time, and beyond?

This has a lot of impact, after all, the physical body has suffered a lot of damage. If you put it in this way, it is not worth the loss.

Because Xiao Yu did feel that the energy transformed by Long Tunqi was indeed very violent, and there was an unruly attitude in it.

"Boy, you are impatient, wait until your mood is better, then come to practice." Qiongqi's voice disappeared again.

Xiao Yu was quietly alone, quietly pinching in the second world dimension.

Xiao Yu was not a stupid person, he tried to remember what Qiongqi had said to him.

"Impatient..." he muttered to himself.

He did find that because there was still a week of big exams, Xiao Yu began to feel a little irritable.

Indeed, it is not difficult for the weak to achieve the strength of the martial arts chakra with the cooperation of the strength of the first-rank formation technique and the cooperation of the Qianji Yunshou.

But Xiao Yu was not satisfied, so he sought a way to break through, so he would inevitably develop a kind of impatience.

This kind of impatience caused him to start practicing without really studying and thorough when he obtained the Dragon Swallowing Technique. Only then did he have the current results.

"Qingqi's consciousness is...?"

Xiao Yu suddenly thought of something, and immediately he sank his heart into the dragon's breath of breath.

He tried to look at the shadow of Long Tunqi, between that kind of breathing, that kind of body ups and downs, movements, and feeling the beating of the internal organs in the shadow. For a moment, Xiao Yu's spirit flashed, as if thinking of something. The same thing.

"I get it! It's an action, and a way to absorb it!"

Xiao Yu discovered that every time the energy of heaven and earth was swallowed in this huge primer, it stayed for a moment, then swallowed again, stayed again, swallowed again.

Just swallow it all!

"It turns out that there is a buffer between the two stops in the middle, and the operation is divided into three times, so that when the gas is swallowed three times, it can be refined, refined, and refined again! So it has the most pure energy! Because the dragon swallows gas The technique of refining in one mouthful is too big to be refined in one go!"

After understanding the mystery, Xiao Yu fell silent again.


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