Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2636: Wreck consciousness

Since Wu Jin and the others can use the power of their souls to let a certain black tiger dog deal with them, it is proof that the black tiger dogs in the big test must be controlled by someone.

Otherwise, how could these black tiger dogs not kill people, just hurt people as simple as that?

The black tiger dog is a monster!

If it were to fight alone, Xiao Yu would not be afraid of these black tiger dogs at all, but the problem was that there were really too many.

There are more than 30 black tiger dogs, staring at each other, and there is a strange **** light in the eyes, which makes people feel the scalp numb.

"How to do?"

Seeing that the black tiger dog is constantly approaching, and the distance of moving the mask is less than 100 meters away from Xiao Yu, this makes him think of a funny scene, that is the phenomenon that everyone had to face before, and now he is alone. One is facing it.

Xiao Yu's mind was turning at extreme speed, and he was imagining another way to repel so many black tiger dogs.

"Do you want to use the Seven-Star Sword? But the rank of the Seven-Star Sword is too high. If you use it, it will easily expose your strength."

The Seven-Star Sword is an accessory of the Seven-Star Warlord in the higher planes. Its power is amazing, and its rank is definitely not low.

In the rookie contest, Xiao Yu had no background and not too high strength. If he mobilized such a weapon, he would definitely draw a lot of jealousy.

As for the power of the **** pattern, it is definitely not alive and dead, and it cannot be used.

"Boy, your mind isn't very clear when you think about it, why are you so stupid now." Qiongqi's voice rang lazily in his mind.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yu asked.

Qiongqi immediately ignored: "You are so stupid, you deserve to have failed the big exam."

Naturally, this was an angry remark, but Xiao Yu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, which made him think of something.

"No, these black tiger dogs, and just now..."

Xiao Yu thought of the fact that when he faced the black tiger dog just now, he seemed to rush towards the safe area. The black tiger dog along the road seemed to be afraid of him, with a dodge attitude.

Xiao Yu didn't care too much at the time, but now that I think about it, it doesn't seem to be the same thing!

His eyes fixed on one of the black tiger dogs, as if thinking of something.

"No! This is not a monster transformed into a complete soul power!"

He finally found out what was wrong.

These black tiger dogs seem to be formed by the power of formation, but deep in their minds, there is a breath of life.

Xiao Yu also released his heart and soul to the greatest extent, and when he calmed down, he felt a little bit different.

"These monsters have evolved from the power of their souls acting on the consciousness of the remains of the monsters!" Xiao Yu immediately came to a conclusion in his heart.

It seems that his soul realm in the higher planes is not strong, even the so-called human spiritist has not reached it.

This is just because the overall soul realm and the physical realm of the higher planes are much stronger than the lower planes. This is innate and cannot be changed from the beginning.

But this does not hinder Xiao Yu's attainments in the soul and perception.

After all, what God Soul Dao has brought to him is not only the improvement of the soul realm, but also Xiao Yu's constant understanding of the power of the soul for so long.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Xiao Yu is much stronger and more powerful than those so-called human spirit masters.

"So it's the dragon swallowing breath!"

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