Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2648: The impact of the waterfall

To be honest, Xiao Yu was naturally ready to move, after all, this is a very good resource for cultivation!

Xiao Yu's own spring eyes were nothing compared to the spiritual marrow on the mountain peak.

Moreover, Helingquan Waterfall is not open on weekdays, and there are so many quests to exchange, which shows the preciousness of Lingquan Waterfall to a certain extent.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu was also ready to move.

But there are only five seats on Lingquan Waterfall, so I can't be impatient.

Instead, it was Gu Hong, Li Haoguang, and Lu Xiao who had already rushed forward.

They are the strongest and naturally the fastest.

In fact, it is very easy to imagine that if the first batch of people enter, if they are strong enough, they can always be absorbed.

The three are the strongest presence among the newcomers in this session, and they will naturally not let this opportunity pass.

The movements of the three of them were very fast. After a while, two of them also moved very fast, and they immediately jumped up.

Some new students who have just taken a step, but were first ascended by others, are somewhat aggrieved.

But is there any way to take the initiative? Sometimes it is also a means of competition. Moreover, because people are strong, it is natural to seize the opportunity.

Everyone is looking forward to watching these five people.

"Boom boom boom!"

The waterfall that flows straight down three thousand feet is very majestic. Although it is gentle and jade-like energy, the impact of this waterfall is not something ordinary people can bear.

As soon as the five of them rushed into the seats under the waterfall, they felt a huge pressure, and they were almost washed out of their seats.

The three of Gu Hong's expressions moved slightly, and immediately urged the momentum to be under the soles of their feet, stabilized their lower circle, and then sat up cross-legged.

The other two people are relatively low in strength. They swayed from the left to the right, almost about to be transferred into the water, but they were still urging the whole body to stabilize the bottom plate.

When the five people sat down cross-legged, all of them gritted their teeth and allowed the huge impact to act on them.

"Boom boom!"

You can hear how powerful the impact of the Lingquan Waterfall is, and the impact on them made a great noise.

The bodies of the five people seemed to have been deformed by the Lingquan Waterfall, and their faces were all distorted, obviously very painful.

Many newcomers on the shore were stunned when seeing the conditions of these five people.

These five people are the strongest existence in their C courtyard, but looking at their distorted expressions, they can't help but feel the chills in their backs. If this acts on themselves, what kind of situation would it be?

Gu Hong and the three of them slowly filled their bodies with a faint light, which was a kind of body-protecting energy, which could not only help them relieve their pain, but also help them better absorb the energy in these spirits.

After more than twenty minutes, the two people finally couldn't bear it, and they were washed directly into the water.

The three of Gu Hong, Li Haoguang and Lu Xiao were still holding on.

The two newlyweds climbed ashore from the water, with scars on their bodies, pale and panting.

Although they look embarrassed, their eyes are shining with faint rays of light.

Obviously, the benefits given to them in Lingquan Waterfall are many, and they have benefited a lot.

But they are reluctant to give up, although they want to try again, but this kind of impact is terrible, if they continue to persist, the flesh will be destroyed.

The two went ashore, and the people who were scrambling just now suddenly hesitated.

These two geniuses are in this situation, so what about those who are weaker than them?

At this time, Gao An said indifferently: "You can choose to give up, but the opportunity is yours."

When many students heard it, they gritted their teeth and jumped forward one after another.


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