Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2662: Tit for tat

Manager Wu paled with fright and could not help taking a step back.

But there was Qingyin here, so he was not afraid of Xiao Yu, and bit his head and confronted Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu retracted his eyes, and didn't care about anyone in his eyes that could be killed casually.

Now that he knew that Xiao Yu had killed people in the big exam, Qingyin said coldly: "Xiao Yu, you know that the academy does not allow murder, but since you admit that you killed people, follow the rules of Xingtang. , You deserve to be punished."

At this time, Xiao Yu looked directly at Qingyin and said awe-inspiringly, "Why didn't you ask me why I wanted to kill?"

Qingyin said coldly: "If you kill, you will kill. There is no reason or sophistry. Xingtang's punishments have always been well-founded. No one is allowed to resist and refute!

"is it?"

This time, it aroused the blood in Xiao Yu's heart, as if something in the blood had been ignited. He sneered and said, "Then I want to ask Hall Master Qing, if someone puts a knife on you over and over again. Will you resist? If someone threatens your life, will you kill them?"

Qingyin said solemnly: "But this is not the reason for your murder! You can never kill!"

"Is this really the case? Then I can be sure that you have never encountered a battle of life and death, even if you are as strong as Hall Master Qing, I'm sure that no one has ever threatened your life! That's it! , You are not qualified to tell me this great truth!"

Xiao Yu's words sounded loudly, resounding like a Hong Zhong, resounding throughout the lobby.

For a while, everyone in the audience calmed down, but Bu Yun and Gao An looked at Xiao Yu in surprise.

Everyone is thinking about one thing, that is, someone dares to resist Qingyin! Dare to resist the master of Baifengtang!

And still a newcomer from a lower house!

He is so bold!


Everyone's gaze was at Qing Yin, but they found that Qing Yin's entire face was flushed, and his whole body was trembling.

She is the master of Baifengtang, and she is also the proud girl of Cangling Academy. She is sought after by countless people. She can rank in the top 20 of the whole academy, but she was dumb by a newcomer in the lower house. Speechless.

Xiao Yu's eyes were piercing and gleaming, staring at Qingyin, without giving way.

Maybe it was said that Qingyin could not refute it at all.

She was talented and strong, and she also got a superior monster like Bai Luanfeng as a partner.

From cultivation to the present, Qingyin has indeed not experienced much experience, let alone the life and death fight.

But it doesn't mean she doesn't understand what Xiao Yu said.

Qingyin tried to suppress the anger in her heart. For so many years, no one had dared to resist her so much. I don't know how many people tried to flatter her and approach her.

Today she felt extremely ashamed, but her identity is there, and if she is angry, she will lose the generality.

Qingyin said in a condensed voice: "I have indeed never experienced life and death, but everyone in our Xing Hall, to be able to come in, must have experienced countless battles. What we have experienced, you don't understand at all, you actually said I am not qualified?"

"You are not qualified." Xiao Yu repeated again.

Qingyin was furious, and the whole body was full of chill, like a blade of a knife, sitting on Xiao Yu's body.

But Xiao Yu didn't move, and confronted Qingyin, without any feeling of retreat.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's image seemed to grow taller.

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