Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2673: As a last resort

too terrifying!

Xiao Yu felt that the moment Bai Luanfeng rushed up, his whole blood was tossed, and his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood was about to spit out, but he still swallowed it abruptly.

This is the power of the eight chakras!

When Xiao Yu was on a lower plane, he had always had the ability to leapfrog battles. This was due to the techniques he had cultivated, and his body was abnormal enough.

Coming to a higher plane, the effect of Dragon Swallowing Qi made his chakras much stronger than people of the same level, so Xiao Yu had a certain degree of confidence in his own strength.

But no matter how confident he was, facing Qingyin, he did not take it lightly.

Because he knew that the higher plane was the place of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, this place didn't need the lower plane at all.

But even if he was formal enough, Qingyin still suppressed him.

This has to explain that Qingyin is really very strong and strong!

Fortunately, Xiao Yu's innate spirit body made his recovery ability extraordinary, and his internal organs and flesh and blood were slowly being nourished and repaired.

But there is a problem, that is, his Shura power has already begun to exhaust.

The two offensives were stalemate in mid-air, and seeing the blood-colored Qianjiyun hand had begun to falter.

"Xiao Yu, I admire you, but you can't be my opponent." Qingyin said coldly.

No one can shake her position, and no one can provoke her. This is the pride of her Hall Master Bai Fengtang.

"Is it really?"

Xiao Yu's eyes drenched, his fist squeezed, and his eyes suddenly turned into a blood-red color.


The Shura Art was urged to the extreme by him, and the strength of Shura that had been exhausted once again surged out like a rushing sea.


The blood-colored energy in the blood rushed to the palm of the hand, and the blood-colored hand suddenly headed towards a dark red color, and the entire lobby was enveloped by a death silence.

Qingyin, Bu Yun, and Gao An felt the most deeply, they were completely lost.

"What kind of breath is this..."

They couldn't even imagine that Xiao Yu would have such a terrifying aura.

It was exactly the same as the breath of a lower-level person encountering Shura's power for the first time.

Since it wasn't Haoran's righteous energy, nor was it the power of demonic cultivation, then why was there such a breath.

"Boy, are you crazy? Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

The angry voices of Qiongqi sounded in Xiao Yu's mind.

"Once your breath touches a certain point, you will be discovered! Have you forgotten how you promised it?" Qiongqi was anxious.

The Thousand Chance Cloud Hand was urged by Xiao Yu with the power of Shura, but to a large extent Xiao Yu had hidden the deepest breath of Shura's power.

To put it simply, there is only a little "shape" of the power of Shura, without the most fundamental "intention" in it.

Therefore, the bursting out of the Thousand Chance Cloud Hand is basically more powerful than Xiao Yu's full use of the six chakras.

But if the power of Shura is fully urged, then the situation is different.

Xiao Yu said in a deep voice: "If I don't do this, it will take a long time to expose my other cards. And I have a sense of measure, don't worry."

Xiao Yu's Asura power suddenly gathered and concentrated on his palm, trying to dissipate the breath to the minimum with a convergent attitude, so that it would not be easily detected by people.

This is also what Xiao Yu couldn't do.

The dark red palm suddenly shook down like a mountain, and Bai Luanfeng suddenly felt a little stalemate!

"how come……"

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