Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2680: Is it a curse or an opportunity (Part 1)

Xiao Yu was full of doubts.

Because he hasn't formally attended class yet, he actually doesn't know much about the cultivation of these higher planes.

In his impression, if he wants to open the veins, it is enough to absorb the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth with the method of respiration to impact the chakras in the body.

But Bu Yun means to open the pulse with the blood of a fierce beast? Or the maximum speed?

This made Xiao Yu a little puzzled.

"You have not yet reached the seven chakras. When you reach the seven chakras, you will encounter the first hurdle of the chakra realm, which is the impact of the eight chakras. The second hurdle is from the eight chakras to the impact and condensate Rounds."

"Why use the blood of the monster beast to attack the pulse opening? If it follows the normal schedule?" Xiao Yu asked.

Gao An said: "What I just said, in addition to speeding up, there is another aspect, which is to make your chakras more solid."

Bu Yun looked at Xiao Yu and said, "Yes. I sensed a kind of monster aura in you, and it is not simple. This way, you can use this to make the fierce aura in the blood of the fierce beast and you The spirit of the monsters in the body resonates, and external forces impact the remaining chakras. This can not only stimulate the strongest power of your chakras, but also accelerate the speed of your chakras."

This method really opened Xiao Yu's eyes to something unheard of.

Can the blood of monsters hit the chakras?

But Xiao Yu was not stupid. He quickly realized something. He was surprised: "The fierceness in the blood? Is this a bad thing?"

"Yes," Bu Yun nodded, "Ferocious beasts have always been known for being fierce. The fierce aura in the body is transformed by the turbid aura of heaven and earth. This method will make your internal organs, limbs and hundreds of corpses suffer unprecedented shocks. Your mind has an impact. Simply put, once you can't bear it, you will lose your mind and become crazy."

However, Xia Xiaoyu was not too surprised, on the contrary, with a kind of enthusiasm.

On the soul realm, although he is not very strong and very high, but on the degree of firmness, he asks himself how much he can bear.

"If it can help me open my veins to a greater extent, then I will be willing to take care of the rest." Xiao Yu said firmly.

The determination in Xiao Yu's eyes made Bu Yun and Gao An look strange.

They really haven't seen people who are not afraid of death, but they see many people who are determined.

But from Xiao Yu's eyes, that kind of detached determination is like seeing a star superstar, extremely deep and extremely eager.

"We propose this to give you advice, not to make you have to take this risk. The three-armed monster is not an ordinary monster, even if it is the eight chakras, it will be more awful and auspicious. This trip, yourself It’s up to you. The opportunity is yours. You need to complete both of the time and the task. If it really doesn’t work, you can smash the jade slip as soon as possible so that you can leave. "Gao An sternly Said.

Bu Yun nodded and said: "Yes, you are indeed talented, xinxing, and background, but you have to bear the consequences for what you do. If you can survive all these catastrophes, then for your growth, And the enhancement of strength must be beneficial and harmless."

"I was taught Bu Lao, thank Bu Lao for the opportunity."

"Go, tomorrow morning, go to the back door of the college, Gao An will wait for you." Bu Yun waved his hand.



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