Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2735: Is it really a dead end?

In fact, as Qinqi said, this woman's bloodline did contain the vitality of Xiao Yu's innate life spirit body.

This life force is a self-healing ability. Although it is not as abnormal as Xiao Yu's spirit body, it is impossible for ordinary people to have it.

It was also during this period of time that the woman was discovered after constant repair of her injuries.

However, Xiao Yu didn't mean to break it, and it was really meaningless if it was broken.

In this way, this woman can actually say that this method is to send Xiao Yu to death, but it is also a method for Xiao Yu's sake, because the choice lies with Xiao Yu.

If the change was the beginning, the woman would definitely be waiting for Xiao Yu to fend for himself.

"Think about it yourself. But I have to say to you that the spatial turbulence in the Second World is different from the spatial turbulence in the Nine Heavens World," the woman said.

Xiao Yu's heart moved, as if there was something in the words.

The woman calmly said: "This second world space is something I accidentally acquired. Although it has not been fully developed, it still exists with my consciousness. Otherwise, it would be impossible to enter. In other words, I can open the space cracks and Control the intensity of the turbulence in some parts of the space, and rely on you for the rest."

Xiao Yu seemed to have reacted, his eyes lit up, and he felt a sudden realization.

Yes, the second world space is controlled by himself anyway, just like Xiao Yu's own second world space is the same.

It's just that Xiao Yu's second world space is unobstructed between the outside world and the second world space, because it is completely controlled by Xiao Yu's consciousness.

Although this woman does not completely control this unexplored second world space, in any case, this space still has her consciousness.

Xiao Yu asked: "So according to your guess, how much intensity do I have to bear?"

"With your current realm, there is no doubt that you will die." The words of a woman were equivalent to pouring down a basin of cold water, making Xiao Yu embarrassed.

Xiao Yu smiled bitterly: Can you not play with me like this?

After finally seeing hope, but it was ruined just like that, Xiao Yu shook his head directly, expressing that he could not understand.

"You have to know what spatial turbulence is, no matter how weak it is, spatial turbulence is also spatial turbulence, killing people invisible. And your strength is too weak."

The strength of the Condensation Wheel Realm seems to be a weak feeling for this woman. In fact, this is understandable. After all, her strength, the environment she is in, and the people around her are all too strong. There appeared a weak existence like Xiao Yu.

"Qingqi, what can you do?" Xiao Yu asked.


Qiongqi was also very straightforward and said, "What this woman said is not wrong at all, and she doesn't seem to harm you. She wants to kill you. You can do it now."

Then Qiongqi sighed and said, "Boy, you also know my situation, and I can't help you, or you can wait three months."

In fact, the three-month period did not mean that he could not wait any longer, but Xiao Yu cherished the time now.

When the woman saw Xiao Yu's abandonment, she forced her eyes and said calmly: "Accept the reality, many things in the world are not what you want. Unless you know a little bit of space movement, I might I can also help you think of a way, but even I can’t comprehend the power of the laws of space..."

Then, Xiao Yu's eyes lit up...

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