Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3005: Looking for the son of Shura

The two landed above a green, poisonous air.

"Huh? These poisonous gases are very familiar. There are many mixed poisons of monsters and plants. It seems that they should be tens of thousands of years, and these poisons actually seem to have life for tens of thousands of years... Could it be... …?" As soon as the hawk-nosed man detected these poisonous miasma, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something.

"Yes, the poison master in the Nine Heavens World is derived from the same line of alchemy. There is only one person who can possess this kind of life poison since ancient times."

"Mo Suhe!" the two said in unison.

The eyes of both of them were serious.

Mo Suhe is one of the few spiritual masters in the Nine Heavens World, and is still famous for poison.

However, tens of thousands of years ago, this Mo Suhe killed too many lives because of intoxication and refining drugs, and also robbed the children of several big families. In this way, it was hunted and killed by the world.

But this **** poisonous master is too powerful, and the ability to use poison is almost three feet away, and there are very few people who can get close to him.

Over time, Mosu River disappeared into those powerful continents in the higher planes.

"It is rumored that in order to maintain success in the refining of poisons, he seized nearly a hundred people. Since he came here, he must have infected this continent because of the failure of refining toxins and the outbreak of poison?" The man with hook nose narrowed his eyes.

When they were in the air just now, they had already seen that half of the continent was showing this kind of poisonous gas.

The man with the national character face pondered for a long while, and said, "If I remember well, this continent should be called Wu Ming Continent before. In the Seventy-Two Heavens World, it is considered to be the upper middle level. The strongest one seems to be King Wu Ming."

"Well, I've heard of this. But there are all ruins under the poisonous fog. It should be when the Mosu River poison broke out, which corroded half of the continent, and that Wu Mingwang must have died. Now those Humans should be their descendants."

"Go down and take a look."

The man with the national character face waved his sleeves, and a halo appeared on his body, and he plunged into the poisonous mist.

The man with the hook nose also followed after seeing this.

The two relied on the defensive cover of their bodies to wander among these poisonous gases, as if they were in a land of no one.

What you need to know is how powerful these poisonous miasma powers are, even King Wu Hades was eroded after persisting for a few days.

There was green poisonous fog all around, but where they came, there was a wooden house in front of them.

This is where Xiao Yu and Mo Suhe fought.

"It's here."

The two looked around in a circle, and there was still some fighting atmosphere.

The man with the national character face closed his eyes, and an invisible wave passed away. He was muttering words, as if he was performing some secret technique.

Then his eyes dazzled, staring at a certain direction.

"We thought well, there is indeed the atmosphere of the Shura clan here." The man with the national character face shrank, and a murderous intent flashed.

The murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the man with the nose.

"This matter is not easy. Twenty years, the atmosphere of the Asura clan has appeared again, and he is still the son of Asura. This matter has to be reported to the boss, and the big bosses everywhere may not be able to sit still." The Ying Hook nose man said in a deep voice. .

He made it clear in his heart, once the news of "Son of Shura" spread, how shocking would it be to those in the super-power family?

At that time, I am afraid there will be another space shock that happened 20 years ago!

Thinking of this, the man with the hook nose trembled.


At this time, the protective covers of the two men had begun to corrode.

Yes, no matter how strong the two are, they are not as powerful as the peak of Mo Suhe, so the poisonous gas is also beginning to corrode.

Suddenly, the two people discovered that there was a breath that was not weak in the periphery of this poisonous mist.

The two looked at each other, both very surprised.

That person's realm of strength is very powerful in this continent.



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