Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3056: Rising Seven Star Sword

"What do you mean?"

Although Xiao Yu felt the dimness of the star soul and sensed that the Seven Star Sword seemed to have a tendency to change aura, he still didn't understand.

Qiongqi explained: "Have you forgotten that this little guy just entered the state of the sword aggregate? It is precisely because he wants to awaken the star soul, that he enters the sword aggregate, and he has to break through the sword aggregate to be truly awakened."

"You mean, this is a flash of light from the Seven-Star Sword, a flash in the pan?"

"It's not a flash in the pan, the Star Soul itself exists, but in this dangerous situation, so it awakens for a short time. But as I said earlier, it happened to enter the state of the sword, so the Star Soul will soon disappear. "

Xiao Yu immediately understood, and with a move of thought, he issued a command to kill the opponent.

Of course, even if Xiao Yu didn't say anything, the Seven Star Sword was wise and would naturally do so.

But don’t forget that the Seven-Star Sword possesses spiritual intelligence, but the eagle-winged figure also possesses spiritual intelligence, and it is also a tool.

The eagle-winged portrait was taken aback, and then grinned and said: "That's it, it turned out to be a flash in the pan! I didn't expect you to have entered the state of awakening, hahaha!"

The eagle-winged figure suddenly laughed: "It seems that your rank is not low! I should have made a mistake in judgment. As long as I swallow you, your awakening ability will be mine! And I will become stronger! Die!"

The eagle-winged figure obviously knew the extraordinaryness of the Seven-Star Sword, but he was not afraid. Although he was a remnant spirit, the whole hall began to vibrate for a while.

"Keng Keng!"

The four sides of the hall were condensed into sharp cones of ice by the force of ice cold.

Countless ice cones faced the Seven Star Sword and Xiao Yu, and they were surrounded by these ice cones, as if they could be killed by a thousand arrows in the next second.

The ice cone-like cage made Xiao Yu feel a tingling sensation all over his skin and pores.

This feeling made Xiao Yu very uncomfortable.

This kind of power is simply terrifying. The feeling of death does not come from the soul, but a suppression from a higher power.

It can be said that Xiao Yu naturally encountered this so-called "higher power".

It's like Wu Mingwang's, like the **** Poison Master Mo Suhe's, and even Yun Shuiyao's, these power levels are very high, and they are a different kind of power from ordinary people.

This is the power of this magic weapon.

Xiao Yu, who was sensitive with six senses, could deeply feel that this magic weapon was definitely worn by a strong man during his lifetime.

Although it did not achieve a strong feeling, it was really not weak.

No wonder this eagle-winged man looks so arrogant.

Speaking of the time is too late, the ice cones are actually constantly freezing, not only elongated, but also constantly piercing towards Xiao Yu and the Seven Star Sword.

Seeing that Xiao Yu and the Seven Star Sword were about to be pierced by countless dense ice cones around him, Xiao Yu was like a great enemy, and the cold hair all over his body was standing upside down.

The Seven Star Sword obviously didn't want to give up all its efforts in such a situation, and then it trembled violently.

This tremor caused a ripple-like vibration in the space, and this vibration directly caused the surrounding ice cones to immediately stop freezing.


The eyes of the eagle-winged figure shrank, and he obviously didn't expect the seven-star sword's willpower to be so terrible, even Xiao Yu was dumbfounded.

The Seven Star Sword is simply a seedling crushed by a stone, constantly pushing the stone away and growing towards the sky and the direction of the sun.

What you need to know is that this seedling is still degraded from the towering tree.

That kind of potential power, that kind of unyielding posture, and that kind of fighting spirit to be high with the sky, all show the strength of the Seven Star Sword during his lifetime.

"call out!"

In the next moment, the Seven Star Sword suddenly turned into a white light, and instantly penetrated the forehead of the eagle-winged figure.


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