Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3063: The sun as it is

Because of the previous experience, when Xiao Yu entered inside, he no longer had no bottom in his heart.

And after a short recovery, the Seven Star Sword also glowed.

The ice artifact spirit did not absorb it completely, but it still gave the Seven Star Sword a vigorous and fierce energy.

After all, the Seven Star Sword also swallowed a spirit, and naturally there will be more confidence in it.

As soon as he entered the spirit world, Xiao Yu felt a scorching breath, and his eyes were stung.

But this kind of scorching breath is not the kind of fire-attribute breath, but a kind of burning that seems to come from blood and bone marrow.

Xiao Yu was shocked, wondering if this is the so-called Yang Yao attribute?

There are tens of thousands of powers in the world, and naturally it is impossible to know all the powers.

When Xiao Yu opened his eyes, he suddenly realized that his location was a desolate mountain area.

On the whole desolate mountain, there are many hills, and at a glance, there is a feeling of overlapping mountains.

The desolate plateau and mountains are like a landscape painting with only dark yellow and light yellow.

Seeing this plateau, I can't help but marvel at the magnitude and magnificence of the mountains and rivers.

Xiao Yu on the high mountain looked all over the small mountains. Although they were all deserted, it gave people the feeling that there was a lot of pride in his chest.

However, when Xiao Yu raised his gaze and looked into the sky, he was surprised to find that the big sun in the sky glowed with a very powerful light.

It is this kind of light that makes people feel a burning sensation from the depths of the blood.

But when Xiao Yu stared into the sky, he found that the sun had an unusual feeling.

Suddenly, as he felt the world was spinning, Xiao Yu felt that his soul was hazy.

"Boy, wake up!"

Suddenly, with a violent drink from Qiong Qi, Xiao Yu woke up with a sharp spirit.

As soon as Xiao Yu woke up, he found that he was on the edge of a high mountain and almost fell.

The bottom of the mountain is so high.

Xiao Yu was startled with a cold sweat. If he were in the state just now, he would definitely be smashed to pieces.

Xiao Yu was able to resist this scorching force immediately, but he never looked at the "sun" directly.

"What happened just now?" Xiao Yu asked in his heart.

"You were almost affected by your mind. This attribute will confuse people's mind and burn you from the depths of your blood. Look at a place 500 meters to the northwest of you." Qiongqi said.

Xiao Yu looked over, and he managed to find a charred corpse there.

"Could it be..."

"Well, it should be the guy who was killed." Qiongqi said.

This is indeed the student of the four levels of Tianfu Realm.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath. This death was a bit tragic, probably unconsciously.

And at this moment, a strange scene happened. I saw that the sun in the sky suddenly shining a beam of light, and this beam of light turned into a pike in the air, swept in the air for a moment, and even if it turned towards Xiao Yu hit the past.

Xiao Yu was shocked suddenly, he immediately dodged towards the side.


The top of the mountain where Xiao Yu was just now was suddenly shattered, and immediately began to collapse. Xiao Yu's expression changed again and he immediately went down the mountain.


The whole mountain collapsed. Fortunately, Xiao Yu walked fast so that he was not affected, otherwise he would definitely be buried by these rocks.

But when Xiao Yu just came down the mountain, the mutation happened again...

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