Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3179: Izumibuki (bottom)

Quan Qu came here this time, obviously to find face, Qian Feng took into account his identity, this was what he expected, but this attitude of bowing his head made Quan Qu seem to enjoy it.

He faintly looked at Qianfeng and said with a smile: "Boss Qian, let me guess why you got such precious blood of the purple-eyed fox and half-orcs and didn't put them away by themselves, but sold them, how about?"

After this remark, the whole audience was in an uproar.

"Huh? That's right! This purple-eyed fox half-orc, why is the arena for auction?"

"Yes! Such a bloodline should be absorbed by the boss of Qianfeng himself, or absorbed by the patriarch of the Blood Devouring Demon Ape!"

"Isn't it? Dozens of beasts are not difficult for the head of the move and their patriarchs, right? The blood of this purple-eyed fox and half-orc is hard to find!

Everyone is very puzzled, even with a look of surprise.

Isn't this a weird thing? Why are there good things released in the first place? Instead of enjoying yourself?

If the blood-devouring demon ape clan absorbs and evolves, not only the bloodline, but also the strength may become a qualitative flying!

In fact, Xiao Yu had thought of this question early in the morning.

The purple-eyed fox is a monster beast that ranks in the sky. If it is absorbed by the blood-eater and has a greater chance of evolving, what will be the result? The result is naturally the evolution of the blood of the blood-devouring demon ape, and the strength is improved!

Why is such a good opportunity let out?

This is puzzling.

But who knows, the cloaked woman next to her exudes a cold breath.

Xiao Yu is now a little familiar with this woman who speaks according to her own mood.

Often she has such a reaction, indicating that there must be something or something that stimulated her.

Xiao Yu was still puzzled, but found that a hint of murderous intent flashed deep in Qian Feng's eyes.


Quan Qu laughed, and immediately said meaningfully: "Boss Qian, I just asked casually, don't mind! After all, you blood-devouring demons have their own way of doing things!"

Qian Feng didn't say a word. Although his face was calm, he could find that there was a cold meaning on his calm face. It was obvious that his heart was full of murderous intent.

But Baru obviously didn't expect Quan Qu to ask like this, his eyes fixed on Quan Qu.

"Quan Qu, do you want to shoot!" Baru said coldly.

"Baru, what are you doing in such a hurry? I said 80 beasts are 80 beasts." Quan Qu sneered, and his eyes were filled with affirmation.

Baru was said so, obviously there is a feeling of no silver three hundred taels here.

And this made Xiao Yu feel that there must be something hiding between the Blood Devouring Apes.

Of course, this was already a grievance between their Monster Beast Realm, and it had nothing to do with Xiao Yu.

Baru obviously didn't want to continue, the half-beast woman in the cage obviously wanted to make a quick move, and then end the meaning here.

"Boss, this Quan Qu seems to know something..." the thin man beside Qianfeng said in a low voice anxiously.

Qianfeng's eyes were uncertain, staring at Quan Qu with an indifferent face, and sneered: "So what does he know? This Quan Qu is just trying to confuse us. Could it be that they dare to come to our site blatantly?"

When everyone heard it, they nodded.

Whoever comes to their blood-devouring demon ape's site, then there is only a dead end!

Just as the Baru pig was the final word, suddenly, a cold voice began to sound--

"I have a hundred beasts!"

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