Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3239: You are that human!

In addition to Pang Jie, there are a total of twelve blood-devouring demon apes here, all of them with the strength of higher-level monster beasts, and Pang Jie is the leader.

Pang Jie's body is very tall and strong, with a full height of more than three meters, the muscles look very solid, and it is filled with a kind of surging power.

As the squad leader of the patrol, Pang Jie was dispatched here specifically to prevent the woman from the purple fox from returning here.

"Boss Pang, will this purple-eyed fox woman come back? We have been guarding it for a day." A blood-devouring demon ape asked.

Pang Jie's eyes flickered coldly, and the iconic **** red eyes smelled of blood.

"If Boss Qian's inference is correct, then the woman of the Purple Fox Fox will definitely come back. She still has a half-orc on her body and can't go anywhere." Pang Jie said.

"I heard from people in the clan that a kid escaped, and that kid is very likely to be a human and possesses dragon power. Is this true?"

The twelve members of the blood-devouring demon apes looked at Pang Jie one after another, and Pang Jie's expression was also very cold.

He has naturally heard about the Ape City. Although Ape City is not in his care, everyone lives in the Ape Realm, and they are all their own people, and they all hate humans the same way. Naturally, he can't sit back and watch.

The most important thing is that this human being, it is very likely that he killed dozens of monsters such as the Black Underworld Python, and at the same time killed Baru and the others!

This incident formed a great response within the clan, so that it was alarmed to the patriarch who was in retreat.

"The people who moved to the boss also said that the kid is likely to unite with the woman from the purple fox, maybe they have some conspiracy."

"Hehe, what about the conspiracy? Have you forgotten, inside their purple fox..."

But at this moment, Pang Jie's gaze flickered with a mysterious red light, and immediately stared at a certain direction.

Pang Jie was walking over, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more intense.

"Boss Pang?"

The other Blood Devouring Demon Apes followed his gaze and looked over, but when they looked over like this, their whole bodies became vigilant.

In the hazy fog, a figure slowly emerged. When this figure slowly appeared in their sight, an unprecedented crisis emerged spontaneously.


The figure slowly emerged, and immediately revealed the appearance of a handsome young man.

The young man’s long hair is fluttering, and there is a leisurely and calm temperament on his body. Every step he takes, he can’t hide a calm and indifferent aura from his body. What I don’t know is that this person is a normal person. Shape monster.

But they were too aware of the appearance of the transformed monster beast. The human form of this person was really too perfect. There was no shadow of the monster beast in it.

"Boy, who are you, do you know that this place has been sealed off by us? Hurry up and go back!" A blood-devouring demon ape's tribe suddenly drank.

On the contrary, it was a panic, staring at this person intently. He looked at this figure up and down for a long time, and finally sneered: "Boy, we have been waiting here for a long time. I didn't expect that it was you who came first."

The group of blood-devouring demon apes was suddenly shocked. Boss Pang knew this kid?

But then, their faces changed, as if they thought of something.

"You are that human!!"


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