Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3244: The frenzied blood-eater (part 2)


The Blood Devouring Demon Ape looked up to the sky and screamed, and the power and momentum on their bodies actually rose towards the sky in a soaring posture.

The terrifying ferocity was actually much deeper than when they first broke out.

"Good guys! I just said that these guys' aura is much more subtle and deeper than the previous ones. It turns out that they are all mad bloodlines!" Qiongqi Tee said astonishingly.

Xiao Yu's eyes drenched, and he scanned the eight blood-devouring apes in front of him.

Crazy bloodline is a kind of power that is difficult to be awakened among monsters.

The most common combat state of monsters is the power of the flesh. After being angered, the power of the blood is followed.

But there is another kind of power, which is the madness of blood. This kind of blood is a kind of power that is difficult to awaken and difficult to pass on.

Even Baru at that time had no blood of madness.

Xiao Yu now somewhat understood why the will of these blood-devouring demon apes were so easily affected by Pang Jie.

That's because this kind of crazy bloodline requires a kind of enough anger, excitement, and at the same time inspired by a certain kind of belief, before it can burst out.

The power that Xiao Yu displayed just now was so huge that even though Xiao Yu's Tianfu hadn't reached the point of drying up, it was still consumed by one third.

And now, the eight-headed blood-devouring demon ape in a frenzied state is absolutely a sinister battle!

"Kill him!!" Pang Jie yelled on the spot.


The eight blood-devouring demon apes finally couldn't help it, and came again towards Xiao Yu to slaughter them.

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and the power of the dragon once again wrapped around his arm, and the invincible fist blasted out again.

"Boom boom boom!"

Eight blood-devouring demon apes came to kill at the same time, Xiao Yu was not soft at all, and immediately blasted out with a surging punch.

Xiao Yu was a wanderer in the eight-headed figure that looked like a hill. Every time he collided, the space produced a powerful rippling wave, like a meteorite lying in the void, agitating patches of invisible waves.

Every time the powerful momentum of the Blood Devouring Demon Ape burst out, it was shattered by Xiao Yu's domineering king.

The thunderbolt, full of momentum, swept all directions.


With a scream, a blood-devouring demon ape was shaken out on the spot, and blood rushed out of the sky.

Xiao Yu's blood seemed to be burning and being aroused. The more he fought, the more courageous he was, and it was bound to be nothing.

Every time he kills, there is a deafening figure spreading out, and every confrontation contains Xiao Yu's strong murderous intent.

For a time, more than a dozen rounds passed, and two blood-eating demon apes were killed.

Now there are only five blood-devouring demon apes.

"Zhenlong pile first style, inscription hand!"

"Zhenlong pile third style, exploring dragon claws!"

"Zhenlong pile eighth style, Chongxiao boxing!"


That piece of battlefield, within a radius of one kilometer, all shook out terrifying, shocking momentum fluctuations.

Every time she touched her, Zi Ji was frightened when she was watching from a distance. Every time she killed the Blood Devouring Demon Ape, Zi Ji's heart was tense.

After more than 20 rounds, Xiao Yu's thunderous force is still so fierce, as if his domineering power can't be exhausted.

When another blood-devouring ape was killed, and the other four blood-devouring apes were shot again, finally, the huge eyes on the other side were about to split and thunderous.

"Boy!! I want to kill you!!!"


As if the momentum descending from the sky shook down, Pang Jie's terrifying power and momentum, like Mount Tai, came in an instant.

The huge figure hadn't arrived, but the aura made Xiao Yu seem to be imprisoned in place.

Upon seeing this, Zi Ji's face changed greatly.

"not good!"

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