Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3254: Escape

"Boom boom boom!"

Pang Jie's huge body directly chased him up. An angry, he used his hands and feet together, extremely fast, and soon caught up with Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu was entangled in a long fluffy thing, and immediately moved towards the territory where the purple pupil fox was.

Take a closer look, this long, fluffy thing is surprisingly a tail!

Zi Ji's tail!

In the distance, Zi Ji had come out of the Purple Eyed Fox's territory, and immediately Xiao Yu saw a huge white shadow in shock.

Purple pupil fox!

The whole body of snow-white hair, with a long flying tail, the pair of purple-like jewel eyes, revealing a familiar and determined look, which is surprisingly transformed by Zi Ji!

In order to save herself, Zi Ji went out of the barrier again, risking her life!

Xiao Yu was a little moved in his heart, but in any case, it was not the time to be moved, just because the * Pang Jie seemed about to catch up.

As for Xiao Yu, his whole body was relaxed, but because he was almost exhausted and exhausted.

Seeing that the **** and fierce aura was about to envelope, Xiao Yu immediately felt a huge suffocation pressure.

In his heyday state, the power of the dragon, the power of the Buddha, and even the power of the gods cannot kill Pang Jie, and now Pang Jie still has enough combat power and is still in such a state of anger, how can I really catch up? Now, Xiao Yu would definitely be hammered by him.

However, Xiao Yu was still hundreds of meters away from Zi Ji. As long as he was next to Zi Ji, he could enter the enchantment within half a step, and then Pang Jie would be unable to help them.

However, Pang Xie was almost only ten feet away from Xiao Yu!

Zi Ji's eyes also showed a look of anxiety, even if she urged the power of her whole body, but at a distance of several hundred meters, it was her limit to pull Xiao Yu back.

And at this moment, Xiao Yu's heart moved, and an invisible power permeated.

Rain and mist!

Pang Jie felt a weird fluctuation, and the surrounding scenes immediately changed, suddenly becoming a kind of rain and fog.

"Formation!!? Don't think about it!!"

Pang Jie is worthy of being a strong man in the blood-devouring demon ape clan, and he understood the power of the soul in an instant, and he tapped it out with a punch of absolute power.

The entire rain and fog array was faltering, and it was broken instantly.

A third-rank formation can only trap a person in the Tianfu realm, and it is extremely difficult to trap a high-level monster beast, let alone trap a powerful existence like Pang Jie.

However, Xiao Yu's use of the rain and fog array was naturally not to trap Pang Jie.

Yes, he just wants to buy time.

The so-called battle between the strong can determine the life and death of a person in every second, and Xiao Yu only needs to hold it for half a second, that is enough.

"It's this time, hurry up!"

At the moment when Xiao Yu displayed the rain and fog array, he transmitted the sound to Zi Ji who was 100 meters away.

A purple light was emitted from her eyes, all her power was instilled, her tail tightened, and Xiao Yu rushed towards Zi Ji in the blink of an eye.

In less than half a second, the rain and mist array was shattered by Pang Jie's punch, but Xiao Yu was already tens of meters away from him.

"I'm going to kill you!!"

Pang Jie roared violently, and then hit him with a punch. Xiao Yu was about to be hit by his fist. At the last moment, with this momentum, Xiao Yu fell into a soft embrace, one person and one person. The beast rammed into the barrier directly.


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