Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3285: Serious infighting (part 2)

"What are your plans now?" Xiao Yu asked.

A traitor appeared in the clan, and it was impossible to go back.

Now there is still a problem. If those members of the Purple Eyed Fox clan go back and know that Zi Ji has begun to evolve four tails, then they may be even more extinct.

Zi Ji sneered: "The Great Elder is just the only three-tailed strength in the clan. If he really wants to kill him, I don't mind to die with him. But now I am not afraid of him."

"But you wouldn't choose to go back, would you?" Xiao Yu thought for a while and said.

"Yes." Zi Ji nodded resolutely.

In fact, this is easy to understand.

Now the purple-pupil group of dragons has no leader, and the most prestigious and powerful is naturally the great elder.

But what you need to know is that the news that Ziji has evolved into a four-tailed fox will definitely shock the entire purple-pupilled fox, because it hasn't appeared for a long time!

Even higher than the bloodline of the great elder.

In this way, how can Great Elder He De be able to be the patriarch?

Moreover, the so-called traitors came from the group of elders, and it was the elder who ordered the arrest of Zi Ji.

But you have to know that the elders are not only the elders, the second elders and their group, there are also some opposition parties.

Therefore, the purple-pupil fox family experienced this incident, and even more doubted whether Zi Ji was a traitor.

Another one is, if Zi Ji is really a traitor, why would she bring Xiao Lan back?

And a patriarch with such a high bloodline and the potential to evolve into a four-tailed patriarch, is it necessary to be a traitor and unite with other monsters?

This doesn't make sense.

Of course, these can only be thought by the members of the purple pupil foxes, because Zi Ji is not in a hurry, and there is no need to explain.

The eyes of the masses are discerning, not to mention that the purple-eyed fox clan is now waiting to be thriving, and desperately needs a patriarch with a strong bloodline to lead them.

Therefore, Zi Ji is not worried about her current situation.

Xiao Yu suddenly felt that after this incident, Zi Ji seemed to have the kind of far-sighted and foresight that made a decisive victory thousands of miles away, as well as a tough courage.

Of course, if this is someone who is betrayed by the tribe, and is almost besieged by the whole tribe, no one can remain calm.

People grow only when they are under pressure and when they are stimulated. When I grow up, my changed self will feel strange and terrible even for myself.

Zi Ji looked at the silent Xiao Yu, smiled, and said, "Do you think I have changed a lot suddenly? I don't know me anymore."

Xiao Yu shook his head and said, "No, this is a good thing. Those who make big things must be unruly, have extraordinary will, and have the courage to assume all responsibilities. Sooner or later, the purple-pupil fox family will rise, you have to believe.

The purple fox gave Xiao Yu a deep look.

When you are the most helpless and lonely, there is a person who always encourages yourself and takes yourself as a role model, not only supporting yourself, which is very rare.

"So, now..." Xiao Yu asked again.

It is impossible for Zi Ji to go back for the time being. The only way now is, but what you need to know is that they are still in the territory of the Purple Eyed Fox family!

Since Zi Ji didn't take Xiao Yu out, she must have some purpose.

Zi Ji's eyes flickered slightly, and she took a deep breath and said, "It seems that it's almost time to cross this hurdle. This time, I can't escape anyway."

Xiao Yu's heart moved, what does Zi Ji mean?


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