Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3301: Remnant Soul in Double Pass

Xiao Yu and Zi Ji also became serious.

The more they fought to the back, the more they felt that the pressure gradually increased, which was inevitable.

Therefore, they dare not be careless.

The first level, compared to the entire nine levels, is just some low-level monsters coming out to stop them. It can be said that the first level is testing real strength.

And when they got here, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, from the barren land to a scene full of bones.

It was still the night view of the starry sky, but the cold white light projected onto the bones on the ground, giving it a feeling of coldness.

Taking a closer look, Xiao Yu and Zi Ji were surprised to find that this is a human bone!

"Sure enough, there really are humans in here." Zi Ji took a deep breath, and immediately looked at Xiao Yu, for fear that Xiao Yu would be wary of their Purple Eyed Fox family.

After all, the dead are all humans!

Xiao Yu looked at Zi Ji and smiled: "I will not sympathize with these people, everyone has their own destiny, and the world of Nine Heavens is a world of struggle, whether monsters or humans are like this. Without strength. , Even if it is killed, in a way, it deserves it."

Xiao Yu would not stand on the side of human beings just because he was a human being.

On the contrary, human nature is also animal nature to a certain extent, both seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and fighting for the greatest benefit for themselves.

He encountered too many calculations, framed, and even nine deaths.

Therefore, there are bad people in the human world and kindness in the world of monsters. This cannot be generalized.

"Be careful, the human beings here are very dead." Xiao Yu reminded.

As Xiao Yu, who has dealt with demonic cultivators, he clearly knows how powerful and obscure this gloomy, deadly breath is.

Since there are so many corpses here, the interest and the beasts should be thoughts, that is to say, in this secret realm, there should be humans who have come in, but have been killed.

After a while, a strange scene appeared, and the heads on the ground in front of them all began to vibrate.

After a while, two faint green lights lit up in the eye sockets of these skulls.

This scene is too familiar, this is soul fluctuation!

Sure enough, at this moment, all these dark green light clusters flew into the air, and then condensed into a dark green figure.

Remnant soul! !

It was the first time that Zi Ji encountered such a situation, her eyes were very solemn.

It hasn't been long since Zi Ji became the head of the patriarch. In addition, she was not involved in the migration and was not born. Therefore, she is strange to human power.

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed, staring at the green shadow in midair.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that this time it was a little girl who came in. It looks like it is a four-tailed girl!"

The figure gradually became emotionally clear, and immediately revealed the appearance of a middle-aged person.

The middle-aged man had a thin face, but his eyes were extremely calm, as if he had seen life and death.

"Oh? Two people this time?"

The middle-aged man finally found Xiao Yu next to him, full of surprise.

"Who are you?" Zi Ji said vigilantly, staring at the middle-aged man in mid-air.

The middle-aged man said indifferently: "I don't know who I am, I only know that I have been here for a long, long time."

Then, the middle-aged man's eyes showed a cold and hideous color, staring at Zi Ji, and said: "But the only thing I know is that your dirty purple-eyed fox family caught me in this dark place! Then you regard me as a sparring partner on your evolutionary path!!!"

The middle-aged man became more angry as he talked about it, as if it had been backlogged for countless years. He smiled angrily: "Hahaha! After so many years, I finally met someone who can let me vent. Today, I will take your life and take your body. !"


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