Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3366: If you don't go, I will kill you

When Xiao Yu said these things, he also felt a little emotional in his heart.

Some of these are my own guesses, and the other part is what Golden Wing Dapeng told him halfway through.

At the beginning, Xiao Yu was just a guess, he wanted more of an opportunity to negotiate with Xuan Lei Beast.

Who knows, after his guess came out, the Golden Winged Roc told himself some unknown secrets in the middle.

In fact, after Xiao Yu listened to Guanzhong and talked about the origin of the Xuan Lei Beast, he had a question.

Even if the ancestors of the profound thunder beast swallowed the thunder fruit, it would not affect the bloodline, but instead had a kind of thunder attribute power, which would be even stronger.

After all, what you need to know is that the power of thunder attribute is one of the most powerful natural forces in the Nine Heavens World.

This kind of power full of violent, even awe-inspiring righteousness is extremely rare.

Especially, appearing on the Xuanwu clan who is good at defense, one can imagine how powerful this is if it is passed on.

But by the way, it is said that the people of the Xuanwu clan who ate the thunder fruit were actually driven out of the clan?

And he is still stationed here in Tengyuan Continent, once stable, it will be too long to count.

And it doesn't matter if they are kicked out, because these Xuanwu people who have eaten the fruits of Thunder are not like the purple-pupil fox clan, who are constantly migrating and weakening in battle. They are truly in this place.

There is no struggle, no natural enemies, no migration. Isn't this just like the four great beasts living in one place for a long time?

How could such a monster bloodline degenerate to such a degree! ?

Even if the strongest bloodline of Xuan Lei Beast was in the top ten on the earth list, they were once in the top ten on the sky list!

The gap in this one is totally different.

Of course, Xiao Yu was only skeptical, he was not sure.

Perhaps the Xuan Lei Beast slowly lost its heart to fight in this environment, and its bloodline weakened. This situation may be similar to that of the Purple Eyed Fox.

But Xiao Yu still didn't believe that the blood of the four great beasts was so easily weakened.

And when Xiao Yu came here to fight Fu Kang, and felt that Fu Kang’s was buried for a long time, there was a war intent in the depths of his eyes, and at the same time, he also saw the strong but very strong in the clan of these profound thunder beasts. The concealed fighting consciousness made him think of a possibility, that is, the profound thunder beast is also eager to fight deep in his heart, and they are also proud.

They just don't know why, let them suppress their inner emotions, even the courage to compete with the world.

No matter how bad the Xuan Lei beasts are, they are all the Xuanwu clan with thunder attribute power!

That kind of dignity, pride, and that kind of dignified attitude standing between heaven and earth, can it be weakened so easily?

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu had really guessed right, that behind the Xuan Lei Beast, there was such a sad and bleak history.

And this history, if it weren't for the Golden Winged Roc flying everywhere in Nine Heavens World, he wouldn't know it so clearly.

The young man of the Xuan Lei Beast turned around, the Xuan Wu made by his aura is very powerful, his eyes are full of a kind of Yin and Ming Qi, and the distance is giving people a feeling of darkness, as if Xiao Yu could be crushed into pieces in an instant.

"It is not your turn to evaluate the things of our Profound Thunder Beast clan. I will give you the last chance. If you don't leave, I will kill you!!"


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