Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3372: Unexpected compromise

For a time, the clansmen of those dozens of Profound Thunder Beasts became angry.

They knew that this was Xiao Yu's aggressive strategy, but they could only respond with anger.

As for Xiao Yu, he was obviously not a radical tactic, but rather disappointed in Xuan Lei Beast.

He originally thought that Xuan Lei beasts were also bloody, at least when they encountered difficulties, they would not avoid problems and would meet them head-on.

Just as Xiao Yu provoked them repeatedly, but the calming attitude really surprised Xiao Yu.

An beast with the blood of ancient gods and beasts has actually fallen into such a useless situation?

This was completely different from the monster beasts Xiao Yu had encountered that would fight if they didn't agree with each other.

He felt that this was a bit violent to the talent of the Profound Thunder Beast clan.

Or perhaps it was because he possessed the power of the Dragon Clan's bloodline. Under the influence of this power, Xiao Yu had a powerful fighting spirit and blood.

Therefore, the approach of Xuan Lei Beast which seemed to him almost useless, really made him feel a kind of boring.

Of course, Xiao Yu didn't want to pursue it anymore. They were right. This was the matter of the Xuan Lei Beast and had nothing to do with Xiao Yu.

"and many more."

It was the Great Elder of Xuan Lei Beast who stopped Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu turned around and looked at the old man.

"Boy, what do you mean by coming to our territory."

The great elder changed the abnormality just now and asked.

Xiao Yu said indifferently, "This has nothing to do with you anymore."

The Grand Elder stared at Xiao Yu and said, "If it is within our ability, we may be able to consider it, but I have a request."

Young Master Xuan Lei Beast seemed to have thought of something, and was shocked: "Great Elder!"

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed, he naturally didn't know what the great elder was thinking, but it seemed to have caught something vaguely.

"I want to go to your Lei Pond." Xiao Yu said directly.


The group of Xuan Lei Beast was shocked immediately.

Fu Kang even coldly snorted: "Boy, you want to be beautiful! Lei Chi is the most important place of my Profound Thunder Beast clan, and there are ancestors in the clan sitting in it. How could you just go in when you said it?"

But who knows, the elder Xuan Lei Beast pondered for a while, and agreed: "Okay! This can be discussed."

"Great Elder!"

Don't say it was Fu Kang and the others, even the young patriarch of Xuan Lei Beast was taken aback.

They knew exactly where Lei Chi was, but the Great Elder agreed!

God knows what this young man's heart is.

And they don't know what purpose this person is, what kind of identity, how can they let him into their territory at will?

This was naturally beyond Xiao Yu's expectation, but after another thought, it didn't seem to be the case.

After all, if you enter their territory, you will also have to bear great risks.

The other is that if the other party says so, then there must be something to help yourself. This is called equivalent exchange.

Since Lei Po is so important, how can it be easily handed over?

At this time, Qingyin began to worry, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Yu, don't take risks. If it doesn't work, we will change our way."

After all, this is the territory of the monster beast, if you really want to step inside, then you must take a risk to go.

Qingyin didn't want Xiao Yu to be so adventurous about Bai Luanfeng's affairs, no matter how it was their business, Xiao Yu didn't need to be so adventurous.

The Golden Winged Roc said: "Boy, don't be afraid, if you want to leave, no one can stop you, and I feel that they want you more than you need the power of thunder."

Xiao Yu nodded in his heart, looked at Qingyin, and gave Qingyin a relieved look.

"Boy, how are you discussing?"



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