Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3378: The second dark hour (part 2)

The appearance of the Xuanwu clan that appeared, had shocked the entire Xuan Lei beast clan.

After all, although Xuan Lei Beast had the blood of Xuan Wu, they also knew that their ancestors were driven out by Xuan Wu clan and were not recognized by Xuan Wu clan.

Even the patriarch of Xuan Lei Beast, as well as the elders of previous generations, knew that the so-called defilement of Xuanwu bloodline was just an excuse. The Xuanwu clan was afraid that Xuan Lei beasts would become stronger, so they expelled them from the family.

And Xuan Lei Beast has also accepted this punishment, and has also accepted this fact, having lived in this continent without fighting for many years.

But what they couldn't even imagine was that the Xuanwu tribe actually looked at them, it turned out to be a kind of prisoner's behavior, and monitored them every other time.

The most unacceptable thing for them was that the clansmen sent by the Xuanwu tribe said on the spot that they would place an additional seal. This seal was naturally placed on Mu Feng's body.

At that time, the Xuan Lei Beast clan was shocked on the spot, especially Mu Feng's father, the patriarch of the Xuan Lei Beast lying on the bed, had a fusion of expression.

For countless years, Xuan Lei Beast has only produced a family child who can break through the sky list and even obtain a higher bloodline. How can it be said that if he is sealed, he will be sealed?

It’s just that the person of the Xuanwu clan at that time was too scary. The Xuan Lei Beast clan chief immediately pleaded with that person, saying that their Xuan Lei Beast swears to the death to guard the ancestral training. The idea of ​​the clan, they will still live here in Tengyuan Continent, and will not take half a step.

It's a pity that the person from the Xuanwu clan thinks that something is not a question of thinking, but a fact that already exists, so it will definitely affect the status of the Xuanwu clan.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the person of the Xuanwu clan just wants to cut the grass and remove the roots, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

At that time, the patriarch of the Xuan Lei Beast naturally stood up, laid down his dignity and pleaded bitterly, but was still severely injured by the person of the Xuanwu clan.

The result was naturally that even Mu Feng couldn't resist, he was once again sealed, his bloodline was immediately weakened, and his strength stagnated.

Five years have passed, the Xuan Lei Beast clan is silent in the grief and unwillingness at the time.

They were saddened that it was not enough for the Xuanwu clan to expel their ancestors, and they had to send someone to monitor them every other time.

They were even more angry that their superior patriarch, even if he knelt down and prayed twice to let Mu Feng go, was still suppressed and was still lying in bed, his life and death unknown.

What they are not reconciled to is that even if the Profound Thunder Beast clan could have regained a new life, gained a higher status and more dignity, but history repeats itself again, being ruthlessly suppressed, and it is still suppressing them. Native!

The Xuan Lei Beast never knew whether he was proud of having the blood of the Xuanwu clan or was ashamed of the blood of the Xuanwu clan.

All they knew was that the hope of their Profound Thunder Beast clan to rise was shattered.

If they had a little idea before, and longed for someone in the clan who could break through the shackles, then now, they simply don't have such an idea.

Because above them there is still a powerful sacred animal race suppressing them!

In other words, Xuan Lei Beast cannot evolve forever!

In a sense, Xuan Lei Beast is a prisoner!

Although the Golden Wing Roc had already told him these things, he still had infinite sighs when he heard it from the Xuan Lei Beast clan.

The atmosphere in the main hall of the whole room was very quiet, Mu Feng, and several elders had their heads low, and there was a kind of sorrow and anger all over.

It is hard to imagine how much Xuan Lei Beast has suffered physically and mentally for thousands of years.

And Xiao Yu finally understood that there was nothing wrong with his own feelings, and Mu Feng really had some restrained power in him.

Xiao Yu looked at Mu Feng and asked, "That force, in fact, can you move it?"

Guan Song's eyes showed an icy color, and he said solemnly: "Yes, but once it is urged, it will attract that person to come again. He put down his words at the time, if he uses this power, then next time he appears, It was when the Young Patriarch was killed!"

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and Qing Yin also showed a heavy face.

What a vicious Xuanwu clan!


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