Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3389: I'll be fine

"Other methods?"

Mu Feng and others were very surprised, especially Guan Song, even more surprised.

After feeling that Xiao Yu possessed the power of the Dragon bloodline, this was the only way he could think of so far, but he could tell that this young man had a confident look, and he said there were other ways when he opened his mouth?

Was it because the young man repented temporarily in order to get down the stairs, so he said casually?

But this is not like it at all!

Judging from the other's words and deeds, this person irritated Mufeng repeatedly and twice, in fact, was stimulating Mufeng's fighting spirit. They all knew this.

"Tomorrow I will help your patriarch again, and I will recover tonight," Xiao Yu said.

In any case, this was Guansong's opportunity. They left first to prepare for tomorrow's affairs. Xiao Yu, Qingyin and Mufeng were left in the hall.

Xiao Yu and Qingyin were also preparing to return to the room, but Mu Feng suddenly took a deep breath and said, "Human, thank you."

Xiao Yu glanced at Mu Feng and said calmly, "Thank me for what I did, and I didn't help you. Just don't violate your heart."

After all, Xiao Yu left with Qingyin, leaving Mu Feng alone in the hall.

Looking at that figure in the distance, he didn't know what was wrong, he seemed to think Xiao Yu was very similar to him, but the shadow of the other party rose up deep in his heart.


On the way.

Qingyin is still very puzzled, but also very worried.

If it were her past personality, she definitely wouldn't worry about it again and again for a person.

But she didn't even know what Xiao Yu was thinking, or whether Xiao Yu was confident or nonsense.

She would never have a good impression on a person, even those enchanting geniuses in the upper house, and she would never worry about their safety.

But facing Xiao Yu, he felt completely different.

Of course, one of the reasons was because Xiao Yu was called to help, and of course she had to consider Xiao Yu's safety.

But more reasons are other, and she can't even explain the specifics.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

Suddenly, Xiao Yu walked, his face calm. The moonlight poured on his handsome face, as if there was a psychedelic smell in it.

Qingyin was silent for a while, and immediately recalled Xiao Yu's affairs at Cangling Academy.

This person is too mysterious, there are so many secrets in him, even she can't see through, maybe there is really any way?

But then I thought about it, if there is really any way, then this kind of consumption is definitely very huge.

With Xiao Yu's cultivation base in the Heavenly Palace Realm, can he withstand it?

The opponent has the strength of the top ten on the ground!

Even if it's just a drop in the bucket, it's not an exaggeration.

Xiao Yu didn't want to explain so much, and continued to walk towards his room.

Seeing that Xiao Yu didn't mean to explain, Qingyin was worried there, her brows frowned.

When they were about to separate and enter their own room, Qingyin still asked, "Even if it succeeded for you, but what about Lei Chi? Let alone the danger inside, what if they go back?"

"No, I believe him."

He was referring to Mu Feng surprisingly.

Xiao Yu calmly said: "He can't lie."

After all, Xiao Yu just entered his room, leaving a cold tone with a cold expression on his face.

He thought about Xiao Yu, but the other party seemed indifferent to his life!

"This guy is too arrogant." Bai Luanfeng said.

Although he wanted the blood of the Phoenix very much, he also felt that the price was too high.

Xiao Yu was able to stand up for them, of course he was happy, but at least he should not worry Qingyin.

He just felt sorry for Qingyin, and knew that Qingyin didn't care about everyone so much.


Qingyin seemed to be a little sulky and didn't want to pay attention to Xiao Yu, but when she thought of the unknown danger, she secretly paid attention to it. If that moment comes, she will do it anyway.

This is a woman's ability to talk duplicity, which is never understood.

There was no words for a night, and soon it was the second day.


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