Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3392: No retreat

These turquoise rays are impressively Xiao Yu's vitality.

A steady stream of life force was transmitted from Xiao Yu's body. It was Xiao Yu's strength from the depths of his bones and blood, and it was also a chance for Xiao Yu.

Now he is fighting the danger of being absorbed to help the patriarch of the profound thunder beast restore the activation of his blood.

Xiao Yu controlled this gentle force of life into the body of the Profound Thunder Beast Chief. As soon as he entered, Xiao Yu found that the blood in it was almost dried up.

Of course, the patriarch of the profound thunder beast was also very injured. If it hadn't been for the formation of the outside world, he would have been destined to return to the west.

As time passed, Guan Song and others watched this scene nervously.

Who knows, at this moment, a weird scene appeared, and a bright light appeared on the clan chief of Xuan Lei Beast immediately. Then, the life force transmitted from the palm of Xiao Yu went crazy toward Xuan Lei. Lei Beast Patriarch's body left.

At this moment, De Mufeng and the others were shocked, but Qingyin's expression changed. What she worried most seemed to happen.

But Xiao Yu's eyes were stunned. He only felt that the life energy in his body was being absorbed by a source crazily.

This was an unconscious swallowing in the body of the profound thunder beast clan chief, and this swallowing was very terrifying.

In less than a few minutes, Xiao Yu felt that the life energy in his body had begun to weaken.

These life abilities are motivated from the deepest level of every inch of Xiao Yu's skin, bones, blood vessels, internal organs, etc. This is the essence of the power of the spirit body.

The so-called spirit body is the body's large internal organs, and even every hair contains the power of this spirit body.

Therefore, the cyan light on Xiao Yu's body also began to weaken.

This is definitely not a good sign, because even if it is a living spirit body, there will be a day of exhaustion.

At this moment, Xiao Yu can still be controlled for the time being, but it is impossible to continuously consume it.

"Boy, for a while, if you don't cut it off, then this swallowing power will become one piece with your body, and then it will be impossible for you to quit." Golden Wing Dapeng solemnly reminded.

Xiao Yu nodded in his heart.

At this moment, Xiao Yu could still control and cut off this unconsciously devouring energy of the Profound Thunder Beast Chief.

But when it reaches a certain point, when the body of the clan leader of the profound thunder beast is inseparable from this kind of life energy, there will be a kind of dependence, and this kind of dependence will increase this swallowing power. It is even more impossible to cut off.

Xiao Yu understood this truth, and immediately said, "I can't cut it off, so I'll give up all previous efforts."

Once it is cut off, the life force paid in the early stage is meaningless. This will not only waste time, energy and energy, but even the patriarch of the profound thunder beast cannot be activated. This is meaningless.

"Don't worry, it won't work, just use that method." Xiao Yu said to the Golden Wing Dapeng in his heart.

Ten minutes later, the turquoise light on the head of the Xuan Lei Beast was so strong that it was dazzling. At the same time, the life force on Xiao Yu was getting weaker and weaker.

As for the bloodline of the chief of the Xuan Lei Beast, at this moment, it was only just beginning to recover a trace of blood flowing and a little bit of anger.

But at this moment, this kind of crazy devouring power is firmly connected with Xiao Yu!

In other words, it is impossible for Xiao Yu to quit!


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