Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3395: Mu Feng's Righteousness

This life force is mediated by Xiao Yu's life spirit body, so it can be said that Xiao Yu is an intermediate.

The life force of the outside world is borrowed from the power of plants and trees on the earth, but it should be known that the life force of the outside world is unlimited, but Xiao Yu's spirit body is limited.

In other words, with his current level of physical body, Xiao Yu may only be able to exert the power of absorbing the life of the earth in a square kilometer. Although the energy in this range is infinite, the speed of swallowing the long flesh of the profound thunder beast is once again Reached another height!

That kind of crazy swallowing speed is faster than the energy gathered by the earth!

In this way, Xiao Yu, the intermediate body and the life force in this area of ​​the outside world, cannot provide such a huge amount of energy, and will eventually be drawn clean!


Guan Song was the first to react, looked at the ground, and exclaimed, "How come..."

The other elders all looked at the ground one after another, their consciousness spread, and even Qingyin sensed something wrong.

"Look at that kid!"

The strong light on Xiao Yu's body dimmed again.

"Oops! The energy of the earth is not enough to supply, and it is too late to be absorbed by the patriarch. The energy of the earth begins to dry up, and this kid is also beginning to absorb the energy of the body!" Guan Song looked surprised.

Just now they felt that the energy of the earth, which was full of vitality, began to slowly fade away. It was because the power was being continuously absorbed, and the energy of the world was too late to replenish the result!

In this way, the earth will face dryness, and Xiao Yu's whole body energy will also be sucked up!

Yes, this has happened at the beginning!

The dependence on energy of the Profound Thunder Beast clan leader once again produced a strong swallowing under the endless supply.

This is another kind of unconscious swallowing!

Qingyin suddenly panicked, and asked Bai Luanfeng quickly, "Can I still cut it off now?"

"Yes, because this is just the beginning, this kid can still withdraw." Bai Luanfeng said.

Once this swallowing is in progress, it is already one, and it is even more impossible to withdraw.

But now that Xiao Yu borrowed the vitality of the earth, he could still choose to quit.

"Xiao Yu, can you hear me? Don't hold on, stop it!" Qing Yin said.

The expressions of Mu Feng and others changed slightly, and the second elder said anxiously: "If this is interrupted, then all previous efforts will be abandoned."

"If it doesn't stop, will he have to sacrifice his life?" Qing Yin asked coldly.

At this moment, Guan Song and the others stagnated, and they were speechless.

Yes, they can desperately even sacrifice Xiao Yu for the recovery of their patriarch.

But from Qingyin's perspective, they are naturally not allowed to do so.

At this moment, Mu Feng stepped up and said, "Xiao Yu, don't force it, just quit."

"Young Patriarch..." The second elder and others murmured, seeming a little surprised.

It is good for them not to export, and it is considered as a choice for Xiao Yu himself.

But even their young patriarch spoke out and Xiao Yu was interrupted. Wouldn't this make their patriarch regain his senselessness?

They know very well that if this is interrupted, then everything will be lost, because this kind of recovery needs to be coherent!

"This is a human life! I can't sacrifice outsiders for my own selfishness, and this itself is a matter in our clan, and should not involve others! No one's life is worthless." Mu Feng said awe-inspiringly.

And this scene touched Xiao Yu a little.


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