Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3400: Broken flesh (part 2)

The skin of Mu Feng's whole body showed a pattern of lightning, and his eyes were almost like dazzling stars, full of countless lightning power.

The thunder power surging to the extreme also rose to the sky, directly forming a thunder beam with a hundred meters in size.

Even the eight elders felt a kind of shock with the momentum of the thunder beam, because this was the power of the eight of them!

Anything is much stronger than any of them!

Mu Feng's expression was very painful, and his entire body shape had grown a bit huge due to the flood of power.

The power of thunder is flooded in his body. Naturally, Mu Feng is at a critical point at this moment.

If he can't survive, he will explode and die.

It can be seen that Mu Feng's * is expanding a little bit, and at the same time, the power of thunder seems to be constantly condensed and compressed by him.

But Guan Song and other eight elders were still urging this kind of thunder power to Mu Feng's body.

The entire Xuan Lei beast was shocked to see what happened to Mu Feng.

They didn't know what Mu Feng was doing, but they knew that with the continuous blessing of this kind of thunder power, Mu Feng's physical body would definitely not be able to bear it!

Mu Feng knelt on the ground, looking very painful.

"No, I can't just give in!"

Mu Feng roared and stood up, and at the same time the power of violent thunder surged out again.

"Young Patriarch!!"

"Continue!!" Mu Feng gritted his teeth.

Guan Song and the others are very clear that now only half of the power of the thunder has been mobilized, and there is still half!

If this is urged, maybe the young patriarch can't bear it!

But they knew that if they did not continue to urge this kind of thunder power, then it would be impossible to exceed the thunder power of their patriarch, in other words, it would be impossible to stimulate the blood of their patriarch.

"Continue!" Guan Song gritted his teeth and shouted.

It's halfway through, is it possible to shrink back?

the answer is negative.

Now there is no retreat!


The eight elders energized all the power of the thunder in the depths of the bloodline this time. Eight people, a full eight lightning bolts over 100 meters above the sky, all fell into Mu Feng's body. .

Seeing this scene, Qingyin in the distance couldn't help being moved.

"What a strong power of thunder!"

How terrifying is that gathering the power of eight elders?

Even thousands of meters away, Qingyin still felt the overbearing thunder power, which simply made her feel heart palpitations.

Qingyin suddenly thought of something and said worriedly, "Xiao Yu, will he be all right?"

Without seeing this kind of power, Qingyin couldn't believe how terrifying the power caused by this kind of power.

And now she finally understands how terrifying this power is.

After all, that was already a full blow from the monster beast that reached the top ten list!

Of course, Qingyin had a lot of knowledge, and she had also seen the strength of the five great peak masters of Cangling Academy, but she was also shocked by the power of this heaven and earth, and at the same time worried about Xiao Yu's comfort.

In any case, Xiao Yu's physical body is nothing but a Tianfu realm!

How could it be possible to withstand such a heavenly power with such a physical capacity?


There was another extremely stern voice remembering, and immediately afterwards, the changes in Mu Feng's body caused the faces of the entire audience to change wildly.

I could only see Mu Feng's skin, the veins of thunder began to crack, and the whole person seemed to be split by the power of thunder!

"Young Patriarch!!"


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