Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3412: Lightning hood (below)

Following the reminder from the Golden Wing Roc, Xiao Yu also quickly recovered.

This kind of violent force in the Nine Heavens World caused him to lose consciousness for a short time. After all, he could feel that if he was exposed to the power of such thunder and lightning, he would definitely be wiped out in an instant.

Xiao Yu looked at the thunder stone in his hand.

At this time, the thunderstone had countless thunder power output, and it immediately merged into the thunder light cover, but this kind of consumption was huge, and it would not last long.

Xiao Yu threw his hand, and the thunderstone was floating out of thin air. His signature changed, and countless power of thunder was instilled crazily and merged into this thunder light cover.

The dazzling white light beckoned this piece of void world, and the defense of the thunder mask was strengthened a lot.

After all, this is the result of the thunder power of all the people in the top ten of Xuan Lei Beast!

Obviously, all the power of thunderbolt in the thunder stone has been mobilized by Xiao Yu, and the thunder stone has lost its luster, as if it were just an ordinary stone.

Of course, this was not an ordinary stone, it was still an ore that could refine demigod soldiers, but it was now in Xiao Yu's hands but it had a big purpose.

Xiao Yu was just throwing it, and the thunder stone immediately floated out of the thunder light cover.

"Boom boom boom!"

At the same time, the thunderclouds in the sky once again roared with a palpitating roar, like a pouring fish, thousands of meters in a radius of time became a piece of thunder.

The purple, blue, red, orange and so on thunder and lightning, like a violent storm, all bombarded them.

Surprisingly, it was because Xiao Yu, a creature that entered this space, these thunder powers seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and it was bound to destroy this alien invading creature.


There was a huge sound, and the thunder light was deformed on the spot. The thunder cover, which was originally several meters high, was bombarded by the thunder and lightning from the thunder pond. It collapsed halfway and reached the top of Xiao Yu's head.

That terrifying sense of oppression came on the spot, causing Xiao Yu's face to change slightly.

The entire thunder mask was deformed severely, but it was restored to its original appearance in a short while, but the power of thunder in the thunder mask had become thinner, and the lightning was also annihilated.

Xiao Yu inside was naturally fine. Without a word, he immediately sat down cross-legged.

He can't waste time on the thunder hood, he must hurry up and let the thunderstone absorb more thunder power.

His mind urged, because the thunderstone outside the thunder light shield is a thunder attribute ore, this kind of thunder and lightning cannot destroy it.

After being summoned by Xiao Yu, Thunder Stone shook quickly, and then frantically absorbed the power of thunder from the outside world.

Countless thunder and lightning continued to move towards the thunderstone.

There is still a time of thunder light around, and the power of thunder and lightning is suspended in various places in the air.

In other words, the entire space is the power of thunder and lightning.

Only the thundercloud in the sky is the most terrifying, and it is also the most repellent to external forces.


The thunder light in the sky roared again, and this time, through the thunder hood, the entire thundercloud covered the entire sky.

The void immediately dimmed, leaving behind the flickering of thunder.

Xiao Yu's heart tightened, and his eyes flashed sharply.

He knew that a new round of Thunder Power was coming again!

But he didn't pay attention, and continued to urge his thoughts to allow Thunder Stone to absorb enough lightning power.

Only a few seconds later, the lightning shot again, and the entire space was flooded with a large expanse of lightning.


Above this thunder light, a voice suddenly rang--

"It seems to have come prepared! Why not try me."


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