Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3414: The Power of Thunder (Part 2)

The Golden Wing Roc is too familiar with Xiao Yu.

Although I haven't stayed with this young man for too long, the adventurous nature of the other person, and the character that he will not give up until the moment of life or death, is simply admirable and shocking.

Therefore, Jin Wing Dapeng must remind Xiao Yu for the sake of Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu stared at the thunderstone outside the mask, his eyes gleaming with determination, and said, "The longer this thunderstone stays outside, the more energy it will absorb."

The Golden Wing Roc said in a deep voice: "Boy, you have to be clear. These lightning rays can kill you in an instant, and you won't even have time to urge the energy."

"Don't worry, I will take care of it," Xiao Yu said.

The Golden Wing Roc did not say anything. Gradually, the Golden Wing Roc, like Qiongqi, began to care about Xiao Yu.

And this concern is more of a kind of support.

Knowing that Xiao Yu was such a person, they knew that it was useless to say more.

Soon, the thundercloud rolled out a large area of ​​thunder sea, and the power of thunder brewing from the thunder sea exudes a kind of power that makes people palpitating.

Finally, this thunder light is like a huge dumping bowl, and countless thunder and lightnings are all pouring down.

The variegated power of thunder is full of thousands of meters. Now it is not thunder and lightning, but thunder sea falling down!

Xiao Yu's pupils shrank slightly, this scene was beyond his imagination.

The first two times of thunder bombardment were nothing but thunder and lightning falling down, but this time, as if the power of thunder cloud was exhausted, it covered a full kilometer.

The speed of thunder and lightning is very fast and violent, so the pouring down is just a matter of blinking an eye.

Xiao Yu held his breath and narrowed his eyes. In the next instant, the thunder light bombarded the thunder light cover again.

The lightning mask dimmed in an instant. As expected, the energy mask simply couldn't support it instantly, and suddenly it began to become transparent.

The energy mask uses energy to offset the thunder power in the thunder pond, but now this kind of power is beyond the tolerance of the thunder mask.

Seeing that the thunder light mask was about to disappear, Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes, and the teleportation jade slip was already attached to his consciousness.

Yes, this kind of thunder force from the outside is simply terrifying, Xiao Yu felt it was a great torment for a moment, and it was like a wandering wound on the edge of death!

He was meant to crush the jade slips at the last moment as much as possible so that the thunderstone could absorb as much energy as possible.

But now obviously it can't.

No kind of Lilang on Xiao Yu could withstand such a terrifying blow.

In his opinion, the power of the power of thunder has already reached the power and level of the beast of the sky list!

Even if Mu Yuan is here, he will be blasted into scum instantly!

At the moment when Xiao Yu was about to crush the jade slip for transmission, a shocking scene appeared. The bones on his arm felt a little itchy.

This made Xiao Yu very surprised, just because the place where the bones are fast is the place where the bones of the purple unicorns are!

When the Ziqilin bones were in the lower planes, all their strength was lost because of Xiao Yu's transitional urge.

You know, the purple unicorn is also a kind of physical power, and it was a great help to Xiao Yu at that time.

And now, the bones of Ziqilin are showing signs of recovery?

Xiao Yu was a little unbelievable, but immediately afterwards, he seemed to think of something.

According to Rhubarb, the purple unicorn is also a divine beast, and ordinary power will never be stimulated in this way, so there is only one possibility——

"Power of Thunder!?"


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