Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3416: Wash the flesh

The voice above the thunder cloud was obviously shocked by Xiao Yu's actions.

A human with only the Ninth Level of the Tianfu Realm, dare to stand up and contend with the power of the thunder on the thunder pond. Isn't this what it's not like it?

Such a physical body is simply a dead end.

"Interesting, let me see what you are going to do."

The voice above the thundercloud began to say meaningfully.

Xiao Yu stood up and looked up at the sky, the attitude in his eyes that was higher than the heavenly test.

Since he had decided to face the power of thunder in order to activate the blood of Asura and the bones of the purple unicorn, then he could not be afraid.

Once there is fear, then the momentum will be much weaker.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes, completely relaxed.

If you want to stimulate the blood with the power of thunder, there will be no resistance.

Because once there is resistance, the power of thunder cannot enter Xiao Yu's body. How can it stimulate the blood and the bones of the purple unicorn if it cannot enter?

Of course, even if Xiao Yu is now resisting with all his strength, he will not be able to resist this kind of thunder power for long, and he will be blasted to ashes in an instant.

Golden Wing Roc said: "If you really want to do this, when the power of thunder enters your body, you will guide it to stimulate your blood and that bone, but you must have enough willpower to drive it. With this kind of thunderous force, if your will is not firm enough, then your consciousness will be wiped out!"

It was too late and then soon, the energy of Leiguangsha at this moment finally began to disappear.

Thousands of thunder powers suddenly fell.

The moment the countless power of thunder touched Xiao Yu's body surface, Xiao Yu immediately showed an expression of extreme pain.


Xiao Yu's body was almost instantly smashed to the ground.

The power of thunder resembling three thousand waterfalls rested on Xiao Yu's body, and in an instant, the clothes and hair on Xiao Yu's body were instantly turned into ashes.

At the same time, because of being bombarded by such terrifying thunder power, Xiao Yu's body surface instantly cracked.

The shocking flesh and bones came out, extremely terrifying.

Xiao Yu's physical body was different from ordinary people of the same level, so the power of thunder did not save his life in an instant.

But what you have to know is that this is only a moment of time, but this moment is enough for Xiao Yu to do a lot of things.

The power of thunder rushed across Xiao Yu's body. The intense pain was amazing, but Xiao Yu didn't even yell.

His forbearance and his desire for power are really shocking.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Yu's skin was completely small, revealing flesh and bones* outside of the power of thunder.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been killed by this kind of thunder force, but Xiao Yu's will in the midst of repeated tribulations was far beyond ordinary people's expectations.

Xiao Yu didn't care about the condition of his body surface at all, because of the innate life spirit body, he would spontaneously mobilize the life force to nourish Xiao Yu's physical body.

Of course, the speed of this healing is naturally not as fast as the speed of the destruction of the body, even if his flesh and blood and bones are constantly flashing with life energy, but his flesh and blood are slowly disappearing under the power of thunder.

But Xiao Yu ignored all this, because he still had more important things to do.

"It's this time!!"


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