Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3418: Stimulate the blood of Shura (part 2)

The power of thunder from the outside has a great impact on the flesh, and the influence of the power of thunder on consciousness still cannot stop Xiao Yu's surprise.

Yes, the familiar breath in the depths of the blood is the long-lost breath of Shura blood!

It really can!

The violent power of thunder is unowner, and it attacks unconsciously, especially after this power feels the aura of huge power, it will attack madly.

How powerful is the power of Shura's bloodline?

That was the first family in the world of Nine Heavens!

But Xiao Yu didn't have time to ecstasy at all, just because his flesh and blood slowly turned to ashes under the washing of this terrifying thunder power.

Even if the innate life and spirit body are powerful, they can't keep up with this kind of physical body being slowly eroded and destroyed.

From the outside, Xiao Yu was lying on the ground very miserably, the flesh and blood on his body was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sharp bones* came out, making Xiao Yu look even more hideous and shocking.

At this time, Xiao Yu simply couldn't see his entire state of sex, and he saw a pool of flesh and blood and bones lying on the ground.

If this scene were to be seen by outsiders, they would definitely not bear to see such a scene.

But this is Xiao Yu!

Although the body of flesh and blood had disappeared a lot, there was still a layer of green light protecting Xiao Yu's body, preventing him from being destroyed so quickly.

But with the retreat of time, Xiao Yu's damage must be very serious, and the final result is that his body is destroyed!

"Come again!"

The Golden Winged Roc was truly shocked by Xiao Yu's strength of life and the firmness of his mind.

According to his thoughts, it was almost impossible for Xiao Yu to withstand a few seconds, and within a few seconds his body would turn into ashes.

But Xiao Yu's powerful body and amazing willpower still made him feel a kind of horror.

He simply couldn't imagine that a kid who didn't even break through the Tianfu realm could actually do such a step!

Even the flesh of the Golden Wing Roc in its heyday is not as good as Xiao Yu!

The physical body of his heyday was in the top ten, but in comparison with this human being, it was nothing short of a big deal.

When he learned about Xiao Yu's thoughts, he was even more surprised.

"Boy! It's too late to give up! Your Asura bloodline has been guided out, and you have obtained this opportunity. You can still recover slowly when you go outside!"

Golden Wing Roc persuaded again.

He knew very well that it was already extremely risky for Xiao Yu to induce these thunderous powers to stimulate his bloodline.

But beforehand, he was not optimistic that Xiao Yu could succeed at all.

But the result was beyond his expectations.

"The Shura bloodline has been drawn out, but it is just a sign. If I want to recover quickly in the future, I can only stimulate it again!"

Jin Wing Dapeng's face changed drastically, and he said angrily: "Do it again? Can your physical body bear it?"

At this time, Xiao Yu's body was almost invisible, only the internal organs and various meridians were left.

Without the protection of the flesh and blood, the internal organs, meridians, and blood are washed by the force of thunder frontally!

How dangerous it is!

It was already unexpected that Xiao Yu could do this step with the help of the innate life spirit body.

Now I have to try one more time, it's just killing!

"I still have a way!!"

Xiao Yu, lying on his stomach, was unable to stand up because of the violent thunder force rushing down, so his entire back and body were bearing such a huge thunder force.

But this does not mean Xiao Yu has no choice!

"Wu Ming, Hei Jinlin!!"

And at this moment, above the thunderstorm, a surprised voice suddenly sounded——

"What power is this!?"


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