Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3430: Come from Xuanwu! (under)

Mu Yuan believed that the black robe youth definitely had this strength.

Even though he used the strongest strength to defend, the opponent still almost killed himself with one move!

The other party is the existence of Tianbang!

With this kind of strength, it didn't take much energy to destroy their Profound Thunder Beast clan.

Guan Song and other elders showed countless anger on their faces.

The other party didn't pay attention to the life of their Profound Thunder Beast clan in just a few words, it seemed to show his powerful strength.

Guan Song finally couldn't help it, gritted his teeth and said: "How do we say we are all the same ancestor! Strictly speaking, we are also the same clan, why are we so rushing to kill!!"


The black-robed youth laughed three times, and immediately disdainfully said: "The same clan? Are you worthy? You are just a **** with tarnished blood. What qualifications are there to say that it has something to do with our Xuanwu clan? Mercy, it is impossible for you to be born in this world!"

"You..." Several elders were furious, their faces flushed, and their bodies trembled violently.

"What? Very angry?"

The black-robed youth sneered: "You are bastards, what's the matter? We save your lives because we want you to face up to your status, not to talk nonsense about some things, and not to recognize some relationships. Our ancestors want you to beg your tails, let you You steal your life and let you know how stupid your ancestors were. They thought they could fight against their own clan. That was just looking for death! Bastards are not qualified to be called Xuanwu clan. You are the starry trash. I want to clean you up. Just one hand, it's like an ant."

The black-robed youth's arrogant words, even the best-tempered Mu Yuan finally couldn't bear it.


Mu Yuan took a step forward, his face sullen and fierce, that kind of infinite unwillingness and that kind of anger were all revealed in his eyes.

Moreover, the black robe youth spoke very loudly, and the entire Profound Thunder Beast clan could hear clearly.

They were all filled with righteous indignation, daring not to speak, as if their blood had been activated at this moment, and many powerful auras rose slightly.

The black-robed youth couldn't help but sneered, as if he didn't take it seriously.

Even if these so-called Profound Thunder Beasts were angry, even if they all united together, he was not afraid. In his eyes, these people were just existences that could be killed at will.

"Everyone has the blood of basalt, why bother to kill them like this."


The black-robed youth snorted and said, "If you follow the rules and do not do so many things, then you can keep your life safe. Unfortunately, some people are not satisfied."

Guan Song and other elders became angry.

What the other party meant was like saying let them accept the fact that their bloodline was sealed and cursed!

"What is the difference between you doing this and letting us destroy!?" an elder asked.


The black-robed youth laughed again and said: "It's funny, now you are beginning to realize it? It seems that you are about to resist! Haha, have you been trying to break this curse before?"

The eyes of the black-robed youth suddenly flashed a sharp light, and said: "Don't you think we don't know, have you all been trying to break through this seal for so many years? It's a pity that your people are either crazy or exhausted. Death with blood energy. This is your fate. You cannot change it. We can only control it for generations!"

The faces of Mu Yuan and others were so pale that there was no trace of blood, so they knew everything!

"Don't you understand? We just want to watch you struggle in despair, and then perish in despair! There is no room for you to survive in this world!"


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