Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3436: The first battle basalt

The energy breath of this thunder and lightning is simply too familiar, that is the thunder power of their blood!

But in Xiao Yu's body, what they felt was an ancient, savage, and extremely domineering might and aura.

Even Mu Yuan felt the power of this kind of breath, he couldn't help being shaken and surrendered.

"Patriarch, this power aura seems to..." Guan Song was also moved.

This breath has a strong resonance with them, and it also has the breath power of the Xuanwu clan in it, but this kind of power has a feeling of age.

That kind of deep and vast posture is something that no one of the Xuan Lei Beast clan can move out of it!

"Could it be... the ancestors!?" Mu Yuan seemed to have thought of something, his expression horrified.

Speaking of time delay, then the time is fast, Xiao Yu was full of countless thunder and lightning auras, and immediately swept away, and he hit the past with one punch.


The terrifying momentum was directly surging, and as soon as his fist struck out, the thunder flashed, and the spatial ripples directly surging out.


The palm of the black robe youth was destroyed in an instant, and at the same time, Xiao Yu's fist was like a broken bamboo, vaguely about to attack again.

The black robe youth's face changed, and his heart shook, but he was shocked before he had time, and suddenly he slapped it out again.


With this clap, Xiao Yu's fist style was resolved, and the two separated again.

At this time, the black robe youth was still filled with that kind of shock.

"Boy, how could you have this kind of power!!"

That kind of power just now is the thunder power of the **** in his mouth!

And what is different from Mu Yuan and Mu Feng is that the power of thunder in this human being carries the blood of Xuanwu, and there is also an ancient domineering aura in it.

"What? Are you scared?" Xiao Yu said lightly, the calm and indifferent posture in his words was extremely rich, which made the black robe youth even more angry.

"Do you think you can kill me by the side door? Dreaming!" The black robe youth apparently knew the opponent's power and shouted, and rushed over on the spot.

Xiao Yubaa spoke, and stepped forward. His figure turned into a thunder on the spot, and he immediately rushed forward. His fist struck him again.


When the two met for the second time, it was obvious that the black-robed youth was mentally prepared.

His yin and underworld power kept blasting out, and the power of the savage beast from the ancients was mobilized to the extreme at this moment.

And Xiao Yu was still going straight back and forth, **** like rolling tired, bombarding out, like a giant hammer impact, shaking the space.

It was a short-term fight again, this time the black-robed youth hurriedly backed away, eyes full of incredible.

"How is it possible!! This kid's overbearing power!!"

Although he didn't know why the opponent possessed such thunder power, he originally thought that using the opponent's realm to motivate him would not be enough to suppress himself.

But he seemed to be wrong.

But this scene fell on Mu Yuan and the others, but they had a different feeling.

Xiao Yu's two punches just now made the thunder power in their blood resonate.

"Is it the power of Thunder Stone?" Everyone was surprised.

Xiao Yu entered the thunder pond with thunderstone to absorb the power of thunder, but this kind of thunder force carried an ancient and powerful power in it, which was obviously consistent with the power in the thunder pond.


The keen Mu Yuan's eyes were very solemn, and said: "He didn't urge Thunder Stone, and it seems that this kind of power is more like... with the aura of an ancestor!"

"The breath of the ancestors!?"

Everyone found it unbelievable, but at this moment, Xiao Yu chased after him without hesitation.


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