Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3438: Thunder Fight Xuanwu (middle)

The black-robed youth was like a big enemy, his pupils shrank, and then he roared, he finally realized how terrifying this thunder and lightning offensive was.

That kind of overbearing, unmatched power finally forced him to use the power of blood to form the basalt body!

A basalt as huge as hundreds of meters suddenly appeared by evolution.

It was filled with the luster-like exorcism, the mighty posture, plus the giant python wrapped around the black giant tortoise, all showed the ancient and wild power of the Xuanwu clan.

The entire Profound Thunder Beast clan felt like five bodies thrown into the ground when seeing such a body, even Mu Yuan, who was the patriarch, was no exception.

This is the true original Xuanwu body!

The purer the bloodline, the higher the strength, the greater the body, and the more powerful the shock of the bloodline.

Guan Song and the others were also old and moved. They seemed to see the posture of their ancestors.

What you need to know is that once upon a time, the ancestors of their profound thunder beasts were also such divine beasts that stood between heaven and earth!

That is a status symbol, and it is also the belief pursued by countless generations of the Profound Thunder Beast clan!

"I didn't expect to see the body of the Xuanwu clan here." Even Bai Luanfeng's heart trembled.

The Xuanwu clan are the four great beasts of the Nine Heavens World, and each clan is an incomparably high existence.

They will not easily appear in the outside world, and will not easily reveal their own identity.

It is already a great honor to be able to meet the people of the true mythical beast clan.

And now, what they experienced was a battle between the strengths of the beasts!

Seeing the huge figure, Qingyin's eyes fell on the body that was so small that it was barely worth mentioning, and there was a worry in his eyes.

Xiao Yu, what happened to you inside?

When it was said that it was too late, black light suddenly flashed on the body of the black robe youth, and layers of light shields condensed on the body of this basalt beast, as if there were many more layers of light shield armor.

The Xuanwu clan is known as the strongest defensive existence among the four great beasts. The heavy feeling is really incredible.


Finally, the thunder and lightning spear of hundreds of meters suddenly bombarded the body of the Xuanwu behemoth, and everyone watched this scene nervously.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of a cracking mountain and the ground shook violently, and the space was immediately stirred into an extremely distorted state.

Now even a monster beast on the top of the list will instantly become fragmented when it falls into this distorted space.

This kind of battle at the rank of the sky list has already exceeded the limit of the strength of the law of this space plane.


Hundreds of meters of huge body retreated violently on the spot, and a huge pit as large as a kilometer appeared directly on the ground, and the surrounding ground was cracked on the spot.

Everyone was stunned at this scene. Is this power going to destroy the Tengyuan Continent?

Of course, even if Tengyuan Continent is unbearable, it is still a high plane, and naturally it is impossible to be destroyed so easily.

It's just that the blow just now caused cracks and vibrations in the entire territory of the Profound Thunder Beast.

Had it not been for them to have been hiding thousands of meters away, they would have been killed by this time.


When the basalt beast stabilized its body, the black mask on its body surface actually began to crack.

"How is it possible!?" The young man's incredible voice rang.

His defense actually began to be broken.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and the shock of such power really made him feel happy.

"Come again!!"

Xiao Yu gave a long whistle, and once again rushed past, directly bombarding out thunder light fists.

"Watch me break your strongest defense!!"


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