Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3442: Get out of here, otherwise, die!

Xuanwu's whole body became more scorched, and there was a burning smell all over his body, and no skin was intact.

The Xuanwu youth endured severe pain and was just rolling on the ground, but he was still lying on his stomach, his eyes were completely bloody, and he roared, "Old guy!!!"

The lightning old man's eyes drenched, and another slap came out, followed by another lightning strike.


The thunder and lightning this time was even more terrifying. It directly hit a hundred-meter huge pit, and the young basalt was dying from the explosion on the spot.

Everyone in the room took a breath, especially the Profound Thunder Beast clan, secretly shocked, is this the strength of their ancestors?

The strength of their ancestors was as high as that of the top rankings back then!

And at the time, he had fought in the same line with the direct line!

Although it is in a state of incomplete consciousness, the strength of life and death between gestures, and the strength of domineering and decisiveness, can't be pretended casually.

"Boy, even if I am only in a state of incomplete knowledge, I only need another lightning bolt to kill you! Do you still think you are more noble?" The old man said in a cold voice.

The Xuanwu youth finally showed a kind of horror in his eyes.

It was terrible, this kind of thunder power was something he had never encountered before.

He believed that if another thunder fell, his current injury would definitely be fatal.

But in any case, he was proud in his heart, because he was still a member of the Xuanwu clan.

The young Xuanwu climbed up with difficulty, his whole body was scorched and turned into a human figure. He shook his head, still sternly: "If there is a kind, you will kill me! Kill me, you will all die!!"

"Don't you think I dare?" The eyes of the old thunder and lightning flashed countless lightning, and his palm was directly holding a lightning bolt.

As long as he had a thought, this thunderbolt was enough to penetrate the young people of the Xuanwu clan.

However, all the Xuan Lei Beast clan turned pale.

Yes, this young man was sent here, it must be from the Xuanwu clan. If this is killed, the Xuanwu clan will find them, so it is very likely to use this as an excuse to kill them all!

Mu Yuan and others were pale, and they stopped talking.

They want to stop, but this is their ancestor! Even the strongest existence in the bloodline of Thunder in that era!

Who would dare to interfere with his behavior? Who is qualified to talk about him?

The Xuanwu youth showed a horrified look in his eyes, and couldn't help taking a step back.

Yes, if this old man is really going crazy, then maybe he will be killed.

The murderous and domineering that pervaded the elderly Lei Guang, but it made everyone in the room afraid to take a breath.

Xiao Yu couldn't help being surprised, perhaps this was the power of the Xuan Lei Beast clan!

Even if it has been dead, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years, but it still has such a mighty domineering aura in it.

You know, this is just a piece of misunderstanding!

But soon, the eyes of the old thunder and lightning flashed for a while, and immediately disappeared.

The Xuanwu young man breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to be so presumptuous and proud.

"Give you a chance, leave here, otherwise, die!!"


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