Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3444: What is he going to do

When the old Raiden said so, the whole tribe seemed even more lonely.

The clansmen of the Profound Thunder Beast who had been in hiding also began to gather.

Those young ones are a little curious, looking at this translucent figure, they don't seem to know what will happen next.

As for those people who were already grown-ups, their faces showed solemnity, because they knew that the next mysterious thunder beast experienced was the most dangerous moment in thousands of years.

The elder Thunderbolt glanced at hundreds of members of the Profound Thunder Beast clan, chuckled, and said, "Yes, this is our clan!"

"I know, the outside world calls us the Profound Thunder Beast clan, confuses us with the Xuanwu clan. For so many years, you have all existed in this world with the shackles I gave you. It is me that makes you become Low self-esteem, it’s me, making you cowardly."

The old Raiden smiled sadly: "I didn't expect that my decision back then would bring you a devastating, even permanent blow. In fact, we are all the blood of the Xuanwu clan!"

Yes, for so many years, even in internal communication, the Xuan Lei Beast clan has extremely avoided the two words Xuan Wu.

Because they feel that they have tainted the blood of Xuanwu, and they are not worthy of having the blood of Xuanwu.

Therefore, they feel inferior in their hearts and feel inferior.

In the long river of countless years, almost all the people of the tribe did not dare to touch the so-called seal and curse.

There are only a few ancestors of the tribe who dare to break through this kind of shackles at the risk of going crazy or even being backlashed. It is a pity that the efforts of a few people are not enough.

But what is the solution?

The deep-rooted ideas from ancient times to the present have imprisoned them, leaving them without any freedom.

It seems to be living freely on this plane, but in fact, he is bound by his soul, heart, and blood.

The biggest enemy is not the so-called surveillance from the Xuanwu clan, but themselves!

The elder Thunderbolt's eyes fell on Mu Feng, his eyes full of admiration.

"Unexpectedly, there are people in our clan who have such talent and potential. You are the first to dare to confront them head-on, and you are also the first to make me feel the real desire for power to break through such fetters and shackles.

Being able to appreciate the appreciation of the ancestors is a blessing for the future generations.

Mu Feng took a deep breath and asked, "What do the ancestors mean?"

"Since God arranged this catastrophe for us, then it is to tell us that the days of ease are over, and we can no longer bear it in this way, because one day, our selves and even our descendants will still repeat the same mistakes."

"We are members of the Xuanwu clan, or of the Xuanwu bloodline with the power of thunder! You are our pride and the power to revive our clan! Today, even if I use my ten thousand years of residual energy, I will help you Get out of this dilemma!"

The more the lightning old man said, the more his voice vibrated, until the back, like nine gods of thunder, shaking the entire world.

At this moment, the thunder and lightning old man only clenched his fists, and after a while, the endless thunder light shook out again.

The entire sky was dark and foggy, and countless thunderclouds emerged, covering the entire Tengyuan continent! !

Yes, it covers the entire Tengyuan Continent! !

Seeing this scene, even Xiao Yu's pupils shrank, and he muttered, "What is he going to do?"

The Golden Wing Dapeng woke up and exclaimed, "Could it be..."


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